Factual error: When Farva is talking to the Rookie about country music awards, Farva lights a cassette tape on fire. The flame would not spread that quickly.

Factual error: Near the end of the film, during the big shootout scene, there are 2 girls vs. Will Farrell. If you play the movie in slow-motion, you can see that the guns the girls are shooting continue to shoot fire out of the barrel several times, even though the slide is locked back. When a handgun's slide locks back, the magazine is empty. How could they still be shooting when there are clearly no bullets left?

Factual error: Ana's mother, "a French divorcée," according to the movie, teaches at cepe, which is a college within the National Autonomous University of Mexico specifically for foreign students. However, I attended cepe, and non-native Spanish speaking teachers would not have been allowed to teach there, as the entire point of cepe was to introduce the Spanish language and Mexican history/culture to foreign students.

Factual error: During the baby shower scene (which is on a Sunday) a U.S. Postal Service truck is seen putting mail in mailboxes.

Factual error: The shot of the plane in the Melbourne airport before it took off, and the one in Los Angeles after it lands are of the same place.