Factual error: No British woman measures her weight in pounds only - always stones and pounds, or kilograms (a concession to the Americans but it sounds really odd to us Brits). Yes, in the American printing of the book it's always only pounds as well, but that's for the same reason, and still wrong.

Factual error: The film is set in 1997. There is a scene where Amelie knocks on a house door and in the background is a new model VW Beetle. These weren't available until early 1998. You can also see several scenes with various new models of Fiat Punto and VW Golf which weren't available until 1999. (00:19:00)

Factual error: Jonathan is lying in the middle of the skating rink when the second cashmere glove falls upon him. Looking around, he notices Sarah at the edge of the rink. Despite Sarah being a female and the fact that it is snowing, even Nolan Ryan would have a difficult time throwing something as light as cashmere that distance. (01:22:05)

Factual error: In the beginning of the movie when the main character is watching ESPN. The footage of the Dallas game, where the referee (Cuba Gooding) messes up the coin toss, you clearly see the sky right over the crowd in the stadium. The ESPN people say it was in Dallas. In Dallas, the Cowboys play in a dome. The hole of the dome is in the center of the roof and the sky would not have been shot so easily. Also the dome has artificial grass. The footage showed natural grass. (00:05:35)

Factual error: There is no way Josie could have heard Alan M at the concert. First of all, she has a headphone in her ear, so she can hear herself sing, and second, the crowd is so loud, it's hard to hear people in the front row, never mind several rows back where Alan M was bodysurfing.

Factual error: In the begining at the bridge ceremony, the band plays Manhattan Beach by John Philip Sousa. However, Manhattan Beach was composed in 1893. (00:00:50)

Factual error: When the Betty Doll takes off, there is a rapid fire selection of different shots of how the craze is impacting the nation. During the baseball scene, the shot starts with a L.A. Dodger (Eric Karros) hitting a pitch from a New York Mets pitcher (appears to be John Franco). The shot changes to that of the baseball going into the stands... in Wrigley Field, home of the Chicago Cubs.

Factual error: There is a scene with several flags hanging on the wall of the castle. These are supposed to be flags in the Middle Ages. However, one of them is the present day banner of the Hungarian Republic (where part of the movie was shot).

Factual error: When Jackie and Chris are at the Casino. Chris goes to play craps and throws $100,000 down for chips. The croupier give Chris two stacks of 20 $500 chips, which equates to only $20,000. (01:01:35)
Suggested correction: He wasn't really focusing on how much money he threw. Carter was creating a distraction for Lee so the Security would not see him sneak in to find the plates.

Factual error: At the end of the film, when Duchovny and Jones are on the ladder truck shooting the head and shoulders, they are yelling "go go go". They slide down the ladder and the next shot is the fire truck speeding away. Movie elapsed time 5 seconds. It is a physical impossibility for a fully extended ladder to be lowered, retracted and bedded in a span of less than 4-7 minutes. Even if the hydraulic lines are cut, the ladder would remain upright and not collapse/retract. (01:32:59)

Factual error: This movie is set in New York. In the beginning of the movie, Ryan (Charlie Sheen) is working as a stock broker and is at work in a high rise office building. Library Tower is clearly visible through the window. This is the tallest building in California. Imagine if the Empire State Building was visible in a movie set in LA. (00:10:50)

Factual error: When Gregorio and Ingrid are being chased by a helicopter during their wedding, the helicopter goes between two stone posts and the helicopter's blades break the post tops off. The problem is that both of the tops fall forward, which is wrong - one should fall forward, the other one should fall backwards. (00:05:50)

Factual error: When there's a fight on the cabriolet between Jackie and one of the two bandits - when the car smashes into the fuel truck, the fighting bandit somehow flies backwards where according to the laws of inertia he should have flown forwards.

Factual error: In the scene when Clooney and Damon are rappelling down the shaft on steel cables, the come up short of the floor. They pull knives and swipe the cables. No knife would be able to cut a steel cable with one swipe.
Suggested correction: The cable is actually small enough gauge to be severed by a sharp knife when under the amount of tension created by the (static) suspended loads, i.e. Linus and Danny, although if so, it probably should have broken when their dynamic descent was halted so abruptly.
Cables would be left swinging, therefore setting off the alarm sensors.
They were retracted after they were cut. There's enough time for that to happen.

Factual error: The wedding date is given as Saturday June 6, 2001. June 6, 2001 was a Wednesday, and City Hall is closed on Saturday.

Factual error: One character says he is pledging a fraternity, but there are no fraternities at Harvard. They have Fox Clubs, as is correctly stated later in the film.

Factual error: Rowan has been frozen since at least 2010 because that's when the Cryo machine was made. The android says she has been out for 4.55 centuries. With it being 2455 it would be 4.45 centuries. Pretty simple mathematical mistake for a robot. (00:16:20)

Factual error: In the opening credits, a new model Chevy S-10 is shown. That body style wasn't out till the mid 90's.

Factual error: Although you'd have to actually live in Boise to catch the myriad of differences from the movie town, the most glaring is that the movie Boise appears to be a lush rainforest, like Vancouver or Seattle. The real Boise is strictly desert, and you won't find those green interstate medians anywhere near here.

Factual error: The "Russian Blue" isn't a Russian Blue at all. Russian Blues have pointed faces and green eyes. The flat faced, orange eyed kitten is a British Shorthair AKA British Blue. (00:39:35)