Other mistake: When Sam and Frodo are in the field with the scarecrow, you can plainly see a car cruising past in the distance, from right to left. Further comment - there are two different shots which show the car moving from right to left. One starts at the top right distance, and in a shot a few seconds later the car has traveled down the road a bit and is more easily visible. Complicating matters is that the dust thrown up by the car looks similar to smoke from a chimney in the right distance, making some people think it is just the chimney. But chimneys don't move, and the smoke from the chimney is separate from the moving vehicle. [It is deleted on the DVD, but you can still see an obvious bit of image fakery on the hill just left of the smoking chimney. One can see the hill, tree, and surrounding area move up and down and shimmer slightly where someone has done a cut and paste to cover up the auto. The "car inclusive" scene appears on the National Geographic documentary, "Beyond the Movie The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring." Also, watch the music documentary on the Extended DVD - when it shows this scene the car is still in it. Bizarrely, in his commentary Peter Jackson said he never saw a car and doesn't know what people are talking about, but the production/post-production team say in their commentary that despite not thinking anyone would be able to see it, they took it out anyway.] (00:42:55)

Other mistake: When Rick and Ardeth Bay save Evie from the warehouse after Imhotep is resurrected, there are four mummies chasing them when they get on the double-decker bus. Rick shoots one of the mummies and "kills" it. He shoots another one in half and goes to the top of the bus to fight another one. The top portion of the mummy that got shot in half then fights Ardeth Bay. Evie kills the mummy that got shot in half and the top part of the bus gets torn off by the bridge and kills the mummy Rick is fighting. John stops the bus and they all sign with relief. Whatever happened to the fourth mummy chasing them? (00:43:20 - 00:46:40)

Other mistake: At the end of the first race scene with the four cars, Brian spins out. As he spins out you can see that the Asian guy in the white car comes toward him, but when Brian completes the spinout the white car doesn't pass him. (00:20:27)

Other mistake: In the penal scene with the pyramid, Yulaw knocks a person off the pyramid, and he rolls down the steps. A short way down, he stops rolling, and you can see him push himself off another step to get himself rolling again. (01:16:40)

Other mistake: When Stackhouse and Burnett are being chased by the SAM, they pull to the right after deploying flares and you hear a voice on the radio say "Chaff, Chaff, Chaff". Chaff is a cartridge of small metal strips released as a countermeasure for radar guided missiles. These small strips add noise to the radar and clutters it up giving the pilot about 5 seconds to evade the missile. Throughout the scene, several indicators such as the flares and exploding fuel tanks suggest that they are fleeing from a Heat-seeking missile, not a radar guided one. To add to this, the voice on the radio wasn't that of Stackhouse or Burnett and was added for radio effect. (00:20:20)

Other mistake: When Rafe and Evelyn are on the platform by the side of the Queen Mary, the platform is going up, but the ropes are not moving through the pulleys.

Other mistake: During the scenes in Beirut, we see a picture of a militiaman firing an RPG at an armored vehicle. If you look at the launcher, you can see that there is no grenade in the launcher when it is "fired."

Other mistake: When Carter and Lee walk through the Crenshaw 'restaurant', the Chinese woman who yells at them speaks very, very bad Chinese - the first half is incomprehensible and the last half is mostly mispronounced.

Other mistake: When the burial of D'Artagnan parents begins, there is a shot from below, showing a beautiful view of the top of some trees, and the sky. There are 2 jet contrails visible.

Other mistake: In the warehouse near the beginning Fuzzy gets shot at close range with an Ingrams but there are no holes in his clothes and no blood nor are there any holes in the plastic sheeting behind him.

Other mistake: When Milo is practising his speech, he jumps over the blackboard to answer the phone. The top of the blackboard rests on the desk, but when he slides back over, it swings all the way round . If it hit the desk one way, it would have hit the desk swinging the other way round.

Other mistake: When Butch says "Welcome to HQ", his mouth isn't being animated.

Other mistake: When the group returns to the lake where Leo crashed, as he is underwater leaving the pod with his pack, he has it in his left hand. The next scene he grabs Estella Warren's hand with his left. The pack is gone. As they swim up, if you watch it frame by frame, the pack instantly appears back around his left forearm before they surface.
Suggested correction: The bag was always in his left hand.
Might want to add he was holding on to the strap so it fell out of camera view when he grabs her hand, you see it when they swim up.

Other mistake: Towards the end of the movie, Lara Croft and the bad guys are in the frozen ruins of an ancient civilisation. Upon reaching the outskirts of the ruins one of the characters mentions that the ancient city is a "dead zone" which I understood to mean it was an anomalous area where electrical devices wouldn't work - not just no communications, because the vehicles stop working and Bryce's laptop just dies. Once inside the city however, the laser rifle sight worked just fine.

Other mistake: When Stanley is driving the Tuscan TVR while trying to escape the assassins, each close-up of the dashboard readout reveals that the speedometer is actually at 0. (01:01:00)

Other mistake: Jack says: "Did I meet him when Bush came over?" The German subtitles read: "Ich traf ihn, als Busch vorbeikam." Busch is German for bush... (00:20:35)

Other mistake: When Brad Pitt puts David Krumholtz in the car after Krumholtz is hit in the head by a falling bullet, if you look closely you can see him breathing despite the fact that at that point he's already dead.

Other mistake: When Orlando is driving the car (I believe the old beat up car) the gear shift is all the way up in the park position, yet the car is moving.

Other mistake: When Boyd is on the rooftop, he is holding the bottom of the ladder from the helicopter. A view from above shows marks from a previous take.

Other mistake: When the aeroplane has to pull up as the spinosaurus charges onto the runway, blood is splattered all over the cockpit window. The blood must have been from the sail of the spinosaur because Cooper was in its mouth. However the sail is fine in the fight scene and the window is clean when Amanda screams about the eye in the window.