Revealing mistake: Towards the end of the film, when Parker and Longbaugh are coming to get Robin, they get in a small (by comparison to the end of the film) gunfight with Jeffers and the unnamed pimp. During the gunfight, Longbaugh empties two magazines through his 7.62 Galil trying to get Jeffers through the wall. However, the guy setting up the squibs must have been short of creativity, because the resulting yardstick straight line of holes would be virtually impossible to make with a 7.62 on full auto.

Revealing mistake: After Brashear surfaces with the re-captured nuke and it is being hoisted aboard, the mast line snaps and slices Brashear's leg. At the very moment the piece of metal cuts him, you can see the pant-leg switch from tan to white and back to tan.

Revealing mistake: At the 'beginning' when Teddy and Leonard drive up to the abandoned building with the old truck out front, inside the truck Leonard handles a number of .357 revolver calibre bullets that have apparently not been fired, but you can clearly see the indented primers in the base of the bullets, indicating that they are just inert movie props. (00:04:40)

Revealing mistake: The 7 Children on the road that Kim swerves to avoid and dents the car are obviously wearing facepaint - and it's been applied very badly at that.

Revealing mistake: When Roro is fighting Yasmin's brother in the car, he uses the handbrake, and the angle change to view from the top. You can then see a lot skid marks on the road where they did this stunt in previous takes.

Revealing mistake: In the close-ups of the elves during the Coronation Ball, you can see the fishing wire used to attach their wings to their backs.

Revealing mistake: When Spencer is walking over to the computer, he clips through the rocking horse. (00:01:39)

Revealing mistake: When Jessica's dead body is seen by Annie in her bath and then in the hall, the make-up that is keeping Jessica's eye shut is coming away around the edges.

Revealing mistake: Sebastian Caine wears a latex mask and latex gloves in order to appear near-human. The mask he wears is fairly long, and covers his neck, and the tops of his shoulders and collarbone. However, there is a scene in which Linda and Matt are helping a nauseous Sebastian reach the toilet, where he vomits (invisible fluid) into it. In this scene, when Sebastian breaks free from them and runs to the toilet, we can see that his arms and chest are also visible, skin-colored. The mask he wears only reaches the very base of his neck, so it is possible that the actor playing the invisible man did not realize that the tops of his arms and chest were visible. (00:49:20)

Revealing mistake: Whenever someone takes drugs and their pupils "dilate" you can see that it's a normal eye being distorted by a computer because the arc of reflected light also is distorted.

Revealing mistake: When Patrick opens his fridge to offer Jean some sorbet, you can see the decapitated head of a woman in the fridge. If you pay close attention, you can see the head is moving a little. (00:59:36)
Suggested correction: It's a prop head resting on a freezer shelf. It could simply be that opening the freezer door causes the head to sway a little, similar to if you had an egg, lemon, or something else that didn't have a flat bottom resting on a shelf inside a fridge.
No, the way it was filmed was with the actual actress putting her head up through a hole in shelf. It's her head moving.

Revealing mistake: When Trevor is stabbed, we can see the knife isn't in him, it's just pressed against his shirt.

Revealing mistake: When Ed falls on his belly and dies of a heart-attack at the end of the film, if you look closely, you can see the actor is still breathing a few times. He's trying to hold his breath, but every so often, you can see his back subtly raise and lower as he slowly takes a breath in and out.

Revealing mistake: In Thomas' first appearance, he has no cab doors. He continues to not have cab doors throughout the movie except for a few shots.

Revealing mistake: Near the end of the movie, when Malcolm's partner pulls out his gun and Lester shoots him, the bullet hole in the wall appears before the bullet wound in Paul Giamatti's arm.

Revealing mistake: When Tomie's disembodied head is on the ground, taunting the lead characters, you can easily tell that the actress is just sticking her head through a hole in the ground. She's moving far too much, which gives away the effect.