Factual error: In the birthday party scene Sebastian gets thrown into the air and lands in the birthday cake. A couple of shots later we see that the cake is completely obliterated. There is no way a crab Sebastian's size could create that much damage to such a large cake.
Suggested correction: This is an example of cartoon physics that isn't supposed to reflect reality.

Factual error: In the beginning of the movie, the killer calls Cotton on his cell phone. When the killer hangs up on him, you hear a dial tone. When someone cuts you off on a cell phone, you don't get a dial tone. (00:02:40)

Factual error: In the awards scene, it's awards for 1971. Just prior to that scene "Long Cool Woman In A Black Dress" by The Hollies was playing. That record wasn't released until Feb. 1, 1972.

Factual error: Sam has really bad running form for a supposed former track star. She over-pumps her arms, and looks like she's trying too hard. Even seasoned runners with injuries don't run like that.

Factual error: When they are making the room for the babies, they show the months that are going by, but the mom never has a pregnant belly.

Factual error: In the bowling alley scene, Jack's friend tells him that Kate is well-liked in all of Union County, but in the movie, Jack and Kate live in Teaneck, which is in Bergen County.

Factual error: When Elliot is the sensitive guy he picks up the guitar to sing a song to Allison. The guitar has a capo on it. During the song Elliot is changing cords and finger placement. He makes a cord above the capo. This would not be possible since the capo effectively cuts off the strings at the point of the capo. Any finger movement above the capo would not change the chord at all. (00:43:00)

Factual error: In the 2nd scene of the movie she is standing on the street, and in the background at the top left there is a billboard with an ad for www.quepasa.com. The movie was set in the early 90's. But the web wasn't even around then (well... not like we know it now). That web site came out in 1998. (00:02:51)

Factual error: The movie was set in 1991, but there is a newspaper with a Kia advertisement. Kia's first U.S. cars arrived in 1994.

Factual error: When Meg Ryan goes to visit her mother in Big Bear Lake, the mountain is on her left hand side. If you drive from Los Angelos to Big Bear the mountain is on your right hand side, therefore she was driving down the mountain instead of going up it.

Factual error: During the competition scenes between the Clovers and Toros, you can see a basket-toss stunt being thrown in the background: the girl is doing a full twisting flip... in a high school competition, this stunt is very illegal, and both teams would be disqualified for trying it.

Factual error: In the scene where Cousin Avi takes Bullet Tooth Tony's Desert Eagle, he unloads on the dog & kills Tony by accident. He shoots a total of 10 shots, but Desert Eagle .50's only hold 7 in the clip & one in the chamber. He never reloaded his gun.

Factual error: I live in Chicago, and live near where they filmed the outside shots. Every time we see Mel coming out of his apartment, the address says 2400 Lakeview Drive. However, anyone who lives by here knows that this particular building has no balconies, and Mel repeatedly went out, or looked over his balcony. (00:05:20 - 00:43:00)

Factual error: One of the scenes shows the buildup of American readiness as tensions mount. A B-52 bomber appears carrying four white menacing-looking missiles under her wings. Such missiles can easily be identified as the Hound Dog type, which was under test in the mid-60s but never became operational. America would never deploy those missiles either for real or for training, because the project was scrapped before even being accepted into the Air Force.

Factual error: After the attempted kidnapping, Norm Macdonald's face is in the Newspaper the next morning. This is not possible because the crime was committed the night before and not discovered until the very morning his face is in the Paper. There would not be enough time for that article to be written.

Factual error: In the flashback scene in 1982 when Charlie and Layla are on the picnic blanket, they're drinking Budweisers out of late 1990's bottles that came in a late 1990's six-pack. (00:02:40)

Factual error: Female college basketball players are wearing uniform numbers 9 and 17. Not possible, since the NCAA prohibits players from wearing numbers ending in digits higher than 5.

Factual error: When Bunty is the first to test the 'thrust' with the elastic, she is attached to a rope, which winds on for metres and metres, attached to a post at the other end. Why then, does it take a second or two for Bunty to be flung from the roller skate (or whatever she was travelling on) from the point we see the rope at full taughtness?

Factual error: During the "Vietnam Scene" at the beginning you see a very long take of an AK47 muzzle appearing slowly from a bush.The problem is, it has the slopping muzzle brake of the AKM, not the plain muzzle of an AK47. The AKM was not in service in 1968, and was never supplied to North Vietnam anyway.

Factual error: It's impossible to receive a phone call on a Bell Canada public phone, as Jill did. (01:25:10)