Factual error: The train leaves for France from St Pancras station (clearly identified by The Shire pub), which is Northbound and has no connection to go back south for France.

Factual error: In the scene where the FBI agents have taken Giovanni Ribisi in for interrogation, one of the FBI agents says at one point "...and I want the whole C:/ Drive backed up on a floppy.", which is pretty hard to do, if not impossible, unless you've got about a 5Mb hard disk drive (depending on compression levels). But later on in the scene where Ribisi is actually doing it, he does it in about 10 seconds...with a 1.44MB floppy.

Factual error: When Arnold is in the police station reporting that he has a clone and passes through a control room, one computer screen is flashing "OVERIDE." The correct spelling is "OVERRIDE." (00:38:05)

Factual error: There is a a scene showing round bales of hay and as anyone in this district would know we never had those shaped bales out here in Parkes when man first walked on the moon, we only had the old rectangle shape bales of hay.

Factual error: The teens are traveling presumably along the Meadowbrook or Wantagh parkways, when they enter Jones Beach. They see a sign just before the beach entrance that says "New York: 93 miles", when Jones Beach is less than 15 miles from NYC limits and approximately 25-30 miles from Manhattan.

Factual error: When Richard goes to the mainland with Sal, he calls back home to say that he is OK. International phone calls cannot be made from the blue public phones of the type he uses. Only public phones from CAT (Communication Authority of Thailand) can be used for this purpose. Richard was calling from a TOT (Telephone Organization of Thailand) phone.

Factual error: In one of his first appearances, Proulx the Architect is using a modern pen on a pad of paper when taking notes.

Factual error: There's a radio broadcast in 'Men of Honour,' which has Milwaukee playing Brooklyn before Braves actually moved to Wisconsin from Boston in 1953.

Factual error: When Dora and Paul walk into find the newborn baby kitten on the floor, it shows what a kitten would actually look like if it was newborn. However, after they save it and are with all the kittens later on, the kittens are walking around and they have their eyes open. Kittens don't open their eyes or walk for at least 2 weeks after being born. In the movie, they had just been born.

Factual error: When the "Little Wharvey Gals" are singing they show a shot of the crowd in which there is a man smoking a filtered cigarette. Cigarettes were not filtered until the late '40's.

Factual error: The shuttle re-entry being nose-down could never happen. You had to hit the atmosphere nose-up so the ceramic tiles took the heat.
Suggested correction: Not totally true, the nose and leading edge wing were RCC and could take 2300°F, just like the tiles on the underside.

Factual error: Towards the end of the movie when the President is addressing Congress, Joan Allen is seen outside of the building jogging. Joan Allen, being a senator and thereore a part of Congress, should have been inside the building.

Factual error: When Ryan and Jennifer are hanging out at their lookout spot, over the Golden Gate Bridge, they are looking at the bridge from the Marin County side. For those of you who aren't familiar with Bay Area geography, the distance between Berkeley and Marin County is about 15 or 20 miles, yet the two refer to walking back to campus a few times.

Factual error: When the second round of the tournament is starting and Bagger Vance is telling Rannulph Junuh about 'the field', just after Bobby Jones has taken his tee-shot, Bagger hands Junuh a ball and tee. The tee is a red plastic 'castle' style tee. Apart from being illegal in tournament play, I'm pretty sure they weren't around in the 1920's.

Factual error: In the movie, there is a whole pack of jaguars. Jaguars are actually solitary animals.

Factual error: Right at the end, Memphis escapes by jumping via a flatbed towtruck. The ramp is put down on those to tow away a vehicle so it should be backed right up to a vehicle to lift it on. That begs the question of why the ramp was down with no vehicles anywhere near it. The maximum distance that any driver would want to maneuver with the ramp down would be a couple of feet straight back.

Factual error: The roach-like insects that are apparently eating the algae and "producing oxygen" are continually referred to as nematodes. Nematodes are actually tiny round worms that have unsegmented bodies (unlike an earthworm).

Factual error: In the beginning, Leonard looks at a copy of John G/Teddy's driver's license. The expiration date is listed as 2-29-01, but of course, 2001 was not a leap year, so there would've only been 28 days in the month. (00:12:45)

Factual error: When the audience are watching the pilot, Davy says "It's Russell!" But in the actual pilot, it's Micky who says it.

Factual error: When Gerry and Cookie Fleck are at the Taft Hotel in Philadelphia, the manager of the hotel tries to run the Fleck's credit card through the credit card machine. When the manager pulls the card out and looks at it, you can plainly see that there is no magnetic strip on the back of the card at all. No wonder it didn't work.