Best drama movie questions of 2000

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Hollow Man picture

Question: What is the song playing when Kevin Bacon is driving his car? It wasn't "Power Struggle" by Sunna.

Answer: Do you mean the scene where he is invisible, wearing his mask? If so, the song is called Charlie Big Potato by Skunk Anansie.

Answer: I checked the movie's credits (original concept, I know) then I listened to the song in the film and found the lyrics at and and I can assure you that it was, in fact, "Power Struggle" by Sunna.

Answer: It's actually Skunk Anansie. I know this song from memory and can attest as a fan of the movie and the scene.

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Boiler Room picture

Question: Did the arriving FBI agents at the end of the movie let Seth leave because they knew he was going to testify against the firm?

Answer: Yes. Actually, with the help of Seth's dad, he cut a deal to testify.

William Bergquist

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U-571 picture

Question: Throughout the film you can see that Tank, played by Dave Power, has funny-looking thin black scars on both cheeks. Was this a makeup effect for the character (and if so, why did they do it), or does the actor really have these scars on his cheeks (and if so, what from)?

Answer: The scars you see on Tank's face are fake, pure makeup. They wanted the character to have a gritty look.

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Romeo Must Die picture

Question: What is the translation of what Mac says to Han when he thinks his name is Ahkbar?

Answer: Mac says 'Asalamu alaikum Akhbar' This is the Islamic greeting and means 'Peace be with you'. Akhbar is a Muslim Name so Mac would have said this to him.

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Almost Famous picture

Question: When they are walking through the airport after the near crash, what song and what version of that song is playing in the background?


Chosen answer: "Tiny Dancer" by Elton John.

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Reindeer Games picture

Question: This film is called something else in the UK (Deception) because Reindeer Games isn't a phrase used in the UK - what does Reindeer Games mean?

ania hill

Chosen answer: Originally from the line in the Christmas carol "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer," it has come to mean both (a) any activity from which one is intentionally excluded and (b) tricks undertaken with the point of irritating or harassing the subject - as in: "Oh, they want to play reindeer games with me, do they? Well, I'll show them."

Rooster of Doom

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Quills picture

Question: When Maddie leaves Abe's bedroom (after they shared a quick kiss), he rushes back out and calls her. Why does he call her back? If he wanted to say something to her, why not say it when she was in the room?

Answer: Because he apparently had to work the courage up to say whatever it is he wanted to say. He was conflicted in his feelings for Maddie. He's a priest and isn't supposed to 'want' her the way he does. Catholic priests take a vow of chastity and he was trying to deal with his feelings as a man and his vows as a priest.

Shannon Jackson

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Keeping the Faith picture

Question: What is the class Anna is taking throughout the film?

Answer: She is taking Jewish classes - she is planning to convert.


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Answer: He was a hard drinker who did not take her sobriety seriously, and she realised he was not good for her.

Brian Katcher

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Daydream Believers: The Monkees' Story picture

Question: According to the IMDB, Peter Tork has an uncredited cameo in this film. Does anyone know where in the movie his cameo is?

Answer: He's in the wizard-looking costume as the suits walk into the studio sound stage.

Answer: He's reportedly in the background during the scene where Kirshner, Harris and Van are discussing the Monkees' Hawaii concert tour.

Jean G

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Chosen answer: According to the IMDb, there were three Mexican filming locations used, and they are: Tijuana, Nogales and Mexico City.

Super Grover

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