Plot hole: Check out the final routine at the end of the movie for the Clovers. Watching carefully, approximately 20 seconds into the routine you will see two girls on the left hand side running face to face into each other. If this had been a proper competition they would have lost because it was a major error in the routine.

Plot hole: In the Redstar mainframe, we are told that the floor of the vault will trigger the alarm if it receives more than 0.25 seconds of contact (apparently even with the security checks). What would be the point of the bosses going through all of those security measures if they would just set the alarm off anyway? Surely once the girls have faked the fingerprint and retina scans, they don't then need to flip across the floor! (00:33:55)

Plot hole: When Fluffy saves Chloe she calls out 'thank you Fluffy'. Cruella never told her the dog's name so how did she know it?

Plot hole: Ginger can hold Mrs. Tweedy single winged. She can also tip up a feeder full of food. So now we have clarified that she is one ridiculously strong hen, how does she need help pushing up a deck chair? 3 other chickens were able to do it with ease earlier.

Plot hole: When Wolf and Tony find Virginia in the Huntsman's tree house, she tells them that he chained her up, so she can't go downstairs and open the door from the inside. However, after Wolf climbs her hair and enters through the window, the two of them walk down the stairs without any chains stopping her. They couldn't have cut her free with the magic ax because Tony was holding it, and he was downstairs by the door.

Plot hole: Near the end of the movie, Lance approaches Leon saying he's waited longer for this than anyone; however, he stated earlier in the film that the first encounter between Leon and his wife was in 1990, and another member of the V.S.A. said Leon and his wife were together in the Spring of '89, meaning he would have waited longer than anyone.

Plot hole: Dora is sleeping after being taken to the hospital, she wakes up in Paul's bed. Assuming, she recognizes the place as the one where the fundraiser/party is held, how can she know that it was Paul's bed and that he lived there? Furthermore, she also seems to know that she was in the hospital, and that Paul was the one who took her. Seeing the exchange of dialouge between Paul and the doctor, and Paul and her, there was no way she could have known that information prior to her waking up.

Plot hole: The fake Jinx wouldn't be able to get into the den, the door was closed.

Plot hole: When the Slate Co. boss turns the lever in the casino from "WIN" to "LOSE", how could he know which games Fred was playing?

Plot hole: Just before playing the water glasses, Gracie plays a couple notes, one of which is very high. She drinks some water out of the glass to lower the pitch. The problem is that the pitch goes up when you remove water from the glass, not down. Drinking out of the glass would've made the note sound higher. Some people and websites will make you believe that the pitch is going down due to an increase in the size of the resonant chamber but singing glasses have nothing to do with cavity resonance. Glass singing is caused by the molecules in the glass vibrating in resonance with each other. More water dampens the motion, slowing it down and lowering the pitch. Some of the confusion comes from schools not teaching children that liquids and gasses are both fluids. In the case of water in glasses, the water is not changing the cavity as much as one thinks, just damping it. And finally, if you don't believe me, don't Google it, try it.

Plot hole: How on earth is it possible for the three of those babies to fit inside that woman, especially for the size they were when they came out? (00:07:10)
Suggested correction: Only one baby is shown actually coming out before the scene changes so the sizes of the other two are unknown. Also, the three kids were very thin as children and one of the kids became super obese an adult. They simply grew when older so the sizes of all the kids may not of actually played a factor at birth.