Character mistake: When Missy is at her audition, Courtney and Whitney get annoyed and tell her to do a sequence, (front handspring stepout, roundoff back handspring stepout, roundoff back handspring, full twisting layout). However, when Missy starts the sequence, she starts with a cartwheel instead of a front handspring.

Character mistake: In the final scene, one of the newspaper clippings on the killer's office wall reads something like, "Huge Mudslide in Mexico: All Killed Expect Newborn." The penultimate word should be "except." (01:35:55)

Character mistake: At the memorial service the principal says that it's been 39 days since 39 loved ones had died. But there were 40 students on the plane and 4 chaperones, making the total 44. Now 7 people got off the plane, which means 37 people related to that memorial service actually died, not 39. Two pilots would make up the numbers, but there would be flight crew too, which still leaves the numbers off.

Character mistake: After accurately depth charging U-571, the German destroyer crew suddenly turns out to be almost comically and unrealistically incompetent at the end of the movie. Not only do they barely hit U-571 with their guns, but they also can't keep up with the sub. But even with both submarine diesel engines running flank speed (of which U-571 only has one badly damaged engine operational), a common WWII destroyer would easily be twice as fast as a Type VII U-boat. The destroyer could swiftly close the distance and could either ram U-571 or cross the sub's wake to bring all its weapons to bear and make it more difficult to get hit by the sub. Of course the destroyer doesn't do that but stays perfectly in U-571's wake for an easy kill shot from its stern tube. In reality, it was considered an incredible feat to sink a destroyer with a torpedo, since they were agile at full speed, could easily dodge torpedoes and had shallow draft. This destroyer crew however, seems actively trying to get killed.

Character mistake: When the biologist guy talks about writing code for DNA he names the four codes as A, G, T, P, when they are actually A, G, T, C.

Character mistake: When Maximus is talking to Marcus Aerelius, he mentions that his wife has black hair. But in the scenes where we see her, she actually has brown hair. (00:24:40)

Character mistake: Those are the most haphazardly secured cases of nitro I've ever seen in a movie. Couldn't they spare a shoelace or duct tape to secure the top?

Character mistake: When Carolyn first addresses Imam, she quite obviously pronounces his name "ell-mom," as though the capital I in his title were a lower-case L. It should be pronounced "ee-mam". We distinctly hear Ali call out his name in this fashion after the ship crash lands on the planet.

Character mistake: When Jenny McCarthy goes to the office to meet the director. She's calling out his name to see if he's there & calls " Roman.......Ronin.......Roman". (00:23:15)

Character mistake: When Boris and Natasha (Jason Alexander and Renee Russo) are at the airport (just missing Rocky, Bullwinkle and the FBI agent) Natasha says something about "Moose and Squirrel don't even know our names", yet earlier in the courthouse scene, Bullwinkle says something about Boris and Natasha being real people and Rocky and Bullwinkle still being cartoons.

Character mistake: After Charlie and Irene leave the Rhode Island station for New York, the female officer refers to her boss as Captain, when he is a Colonel.

Character mistake: Wilhelm Keitel was a field marshal, not an admiral as stated during the sentencing.

Character mistake: Patrick, being the music buff that he is, mistakenly claims that Huey Lewis' Fore! came out in 1987, when it was actually released in 1986.

Character mistake: When Bob Balaban is talking about how his ancestor founded the Mayflower Dog Show in 1875, he points to a painting which is meant to depict that time. However, the clothing in that painting is demonstrably from the 1860s - styles had changed radically by the 1870s.

Character mistake: When Barry and Rob are in the record store discussing Evil Dead 2, Barry makes a comment about someone offscreen making shotgun ammo in the 14th century. That plot point refers to "Army of Darkness" (the third installment the Evil Dead series), rather than Evil Dead 2.

Character mistake: Juliette Simone praises Eva in an across-the-room exercise but calls her "Aiesha." That is the name of Zoe Saldana's dance double.

Character mistake: The American flag at the New Orleans Mardi Gras is hung the wrong way on the building.

Character mistake: James Lear is described as a Sophomore Lit major in the first scene, and at the end of the movie at Word Fest as a Junior.

Character mistake: After learning by telephone that he would be part of the Monkees and making records and a TV series, Mike says, "Man, it's a win-win situation." That expression was not in use in 1965; it didn't become widely used until the early 1980s.

Character mistake: In the beginning scene, the doctor cuts his finger open while performing the operation. However, despite the high risk for infection, especially given the extraordinary circumstances of the procedure, and despite the fact he's a medical professional... he doesn't immediately run to rinse off his wound and change gloves. And you can't argue it's Tomie's supernatural influence, because they haven't even seen her yet.