Best thriller movie questions of 1999

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The Thomas Crown Affair picture

Question: How does he fold the Monet in half to fit into the briefcase? Originally I thought he'd separated it from the wooden frame (ie. just a canvas), but when he takes it out back at his house he holds it up, and the wooden frame's still in one piece. Also, surely folding it in half would crack the paint, but despite the painting being twice the width of the briefcase (it fits snugly when the case is open), he then shuts the case down to a "normal" size. Any ideas?

Answer: I believe that the Monet that Crown hides in his study is not the one that was stolen, it is a copy that he already had prepared. He can enjoy the copy knowing that the original (with the broken spreader bars) is also in his possession. The stolen original then goes to the forger who repairs the broken spreader bars, and then paints another painting (using water soluble paint) over the Monet, so he can "return" it to the museum 3 days later. It gets more complicated when he discovers that Russo is on to him so he has a second forgery made (even the edges forged to match) over the top of "Dogs Playing Poker." He doesn't know if it will be necessary, but given his research into his new adversary, he concocts this contingency. It is likely that he has many contingencies in place, but the "Monet with a ghost underneath" is the only one we get to see. Of course for my theory to hold water, there must be (or have been) that earlier forgery - unless it has been destroyed.

It's not the forgery that he takes out of the briefcase. Even if it were, he still put the Monet in the briefcase at the museum and would have had to break the frame to close the briefcase, thus also breaking the paint and tearing the canvas. The real answer is that it is just something that couldn't really happen, and the movie people don't want the viewer to notice.

Answer: The only explanation I can come up with is that the inner part of the frame is precut. With the frame cut that way it would allow the picture to fold, but when unfolded it would be fairly rigid with the exception of bending it forward at that point. When he pulls the painting out, it still holds the square shape of the frame. Best I can come up with.

Answer: He doesn't fold it. The frame is solid. It's just movie editing to make the viewer think he put it in her briefcase. You can't fold a Monet.

He absolutely folds it. We see him put it in the case and him then shut the case, folding it in half.

Jon Sandys

More The Thomas Crown Affair questions
Fight Club picture

Question: If Meatloaf is shot in the head, how would they get him back to the house and why would they bother? Did the security guard just leave after he shot him?

Answer: Most likely they either went back afterwards or chased the security guard off somehow. It's also possible with all their inside connections that they stole the body from police custody.

Greg Dwyer

More Fight Club questions

Chosen answer: The tattoos on his forehead are the Egyptian Hieroglyphs that spell "Underworld", and the ones on his cheeks are the Egyptian Hieroglyphs for the word "truth." All Medjai males get these tattoos as part of the coming-of-age rite, when they turn sixteen, of which the most important is the tattoo on their right wrist (which Rick O'Connell also has) that marks them as "warriors for God." Other tattoos specific to Medjai males are on their arms, forearms, hands, pectorals, shoulder blades and beneath the navel - the tattoos on the nose and chin are no longer used, since the time of Seti I. Medjai females only get the wrist tattoo when they come of age, but are not marked with any of the other symbols that are particular to men. Fun fact: If the Medjai - male and female alike - shows any sign of pain or cries during the tattooing process, it is considered that they have brought shame to their family.

More The Mummy questions
Deep Blue Sea picture

Question: Was there supposed to be some more of the scene between Carter and Susan after she had killed the third shark?

Answer: I assume you are referring to the scene after Susan killed the second shark (she was killed before the third shark was killed). The comments LL makes to finish that scene do seem a little out of place with what they were talking about but the film does have a number of scenes cut out. Most of the deleted scenes on the DVD deal with character development and dialogue but there is no evidence the scene was cut as the DVD's deleted scenes dont have any extra footage on that scene or alternate dialogue.


Answer: Yes, Susan and Carter actually share a kiss in the original ending. They grew smitten with one another in unreleased deleted scenes leading up to it. The kiss is interrupted by Sherman "Preacher" Dudley clearing his throat, who's still recovering from his wounds. This, of course, was part of the unreleased original ending that was changed at the last minute due to test audiences wanting Susan to die. The footage was never released but there are stills from said kiss and this was how it was scripted to end. Fans started a petition on the Change site asking Warner to release the original ending and even Thomas Jane is promoting it on his Instagram account. But as of now, the ending has yet to be released.

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The Talented Mr. Ripley picture

Question: Maybe I missed a major plot point, but why exactly does Tom kill his lover at the very end?


Chosen answer: Tom & his lover are travelling on a boat. The rich girl, who knows Tom as Dickie is also on the boat. If they were to meet, Tom's false identity would have been revealed, and the lover would have been able to figure out that Tom actually murdered Dickie.


Answer: He had to kill him. Tom couldn't kill Meredith because she wasn't alone and Peter was.


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Eyes Wide Shut picture

Question: Isn't it common knowledge that Nicole found Tom's mask and put it on his pillow? I always wondered why Tom freaked out so much when he finds it. Is he afraid that Nicole knows where the mask is used? Or that someone else placed it there? And unless I missed something, how come this was never discussed between the two? You'd think Nicole would be asking why he left this in his safe?


Chosen answer: I think someone from the freaky orgy broke in and put the mask on the pillow to warn Cruise's character to keep his mouth shut. That's why Cruise's character is so upset-they got into his home and his safe.

I always assumed that she was a member of the orgy party. She was letting him know that she was there.

No, she wasn't.

More Eyes Wide Shut questions
The Sixth Sense picture

Question: Through most of the film Malcolm is dead. All the other ghosts still have scars from how they died but why doesn't Malcolm have his mark which should be a bullet wound?

Answer: Because as Cole tells us in the middle of the movie, "They only see what they want to see." The movie shows us Malcolm as he perceives himself. He can't actually put on an overcoat, or change clothes. He sees what he expects to see. He goes outside in the cold to visit Cole, so he sees himself wearing an overcoat. He doesn't know he is dead - he doesn't see his wound. To preserve this misdirection throughout the movie, we are shown Malcolm as he sees himself.

Actually, we do see Malcolm and Cole sees him. The entry wound in his abdomen is tiny, and the large, obvious exit wound is on Malcolm's back, which we never see.

C Classic

More The Sixth Sense questions
Sleepy Hollow picture

Question: When going to kill the Killians, how did the Horseman know that Thomas was hiding under the floor? Thomas stayed completely still and didn't make a sound.

Answer: It would seem the Horseman possesses a supernatural instinct.


Answer: The horseman saw that the mother was close to where he was hiding.

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The Bone Collector picture

Question: There is a LOT of changes if you compare the film to the book, and most of them I understand, since you always have to make some changes. But why did they change such things as characters names and genders?

Answer: The film makers changed the name of Amelia Sachs because it sounded too much like 'sex'. I have not been able to discover for certain why they made Thom into a woman, but possibly this had to do with Thom's homosexuality. It could be viewed as controversial that Rhyme's nurse is a gay man, and could possibly also bring Rhyme's own sexuality into question. To make the nurse female would avoid all such issues.


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The Ninth Gate picture

Question: Does "the girl" - as she's been called - have a name? And is she a (or the) devil?

Answer: She was not given a name, neither in the film nor credits. She is simply known as "The Girl". As to precisely who she is, it is deliberately left ambiguous. But the last engraving found by Corso does seem to indicate that she is the Whore of Babylon mentioned in the Book of Revelation.


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Blue Streak picture

Question: In the scene where the three officers (one of them being Martin Lawrence) went to the airport to check out the situation there, Mallone picks up a piece of the exhibit. Wouldn't the FBI run the prints on the items, and if so, Martin Lawrence's fingerprints would come up and reveal his true identity since he is in the system?

Answer: Yes, however Malone is not a real cop, only pretending to be one. Therefore it is safe to assume he would not know procedures of the police department and would not think his prints would be run by the FBI. He thinks he is safe because he is a cop. That's how big his ego is.


Yes, but the reason they don't worry about fingerprints is because they decided to immediately set up the sting operation, since they only had hours before the package was to be delivered in 3 hours. So, they had to hurry and make it there in time to do the bust.

More Blue Streak questions

Chosen answer: During the beginning interviews with the townspeople, the one guy tells how the killer, Parr, would make his victims stand in the corner as he killed the other kids. He didn't like the way they would look at him, so he made them stand in the corner.

William Bergquist

More The Blair Witch Project questions
Double Jeopardy picture

Question: How is Libby able to be out in the prison yard without wearing her prison uniform shirt and instead wearing a dark green tank top? This allowed in prison or what?


Answer: At that point she has been imprisoned for a few years. She had likely set up a good rapport with the guards over the years. She was likely on her best behavior, knowing that would be considered when her parole hearing came. Prisoners on good behavior are often afforded certain instances where some rules can be bended, which would be up to the discretion of the guards. Exercising was a routine for her that went on for years. If she wanted to run in a tank top, I'm sure that was of very little concern to the guards after a while.


More Double Jeopardy questions
The Haunting picture

Question: How could Eleanor be related to Hugh Crain if all of Hugh's children died at birth?

Answer: Crain had two wives. All of his children from his first wife, Renee, died at birth and then Renee killed herself. Later we find out that Crain had a second wife, Carolyn, and they did have a child who survived. Carolyn is Eleanor's grandmother.


Answer: Nell learns she's the descendant of Hugh Crain's second wife (who ran away after learning of Crain's murderous nature).

More The Haunting questions
House on Haunted Hill picture

Question: Eddie reveals that he's not even a direct descendant of the original staff but was actually adopted. Why would the Darkness still try to kill Eddie even though he had no ties to the staff or institute?

Answer: The Darkness thought he was lying to save himself, everyone killed had the seven deadly sins. Greed, Lust, Envy, Sloth, Gluttony, Wrath and Pride.

More House on Haunted Hill questions
The World is Not Enough picture

Question: What are those blades (the ones used at the end on the caviar factory) used for in real life?


Chosen answer: We see them in the movie when Bond first arrives to meet Electra - they're used for cutting trees in a straight line. Google "helicopter tree trimmer" to see dozens of examples.

Jon Sandys

More The World is Not Enough questions

Chosen answer: Her last line is "I wish you love".

More Eye of the Beholder questions
The General's Daughter picture

Question: When the generals daughter is being brought out in the coffin at the end, "Amazing Grace" is being played on the bagpipes. Is this a military thing for dead soldiers, and if so, why "Amazing Grace" and why a Scottish instrument in particular?

Answer: It's just a generic funeral song and the bagpipes are supposed to make it more...mournful.


More The General's Daughter questions

Go (1999)

Go picture

Question: What is the reason for all of the Iodine in the shrimp and if it makes people that sick, why would they put it in there?

Answer: Nobody puts iodine in shrimp. It is a naturally occurring substance in shellfish that some people are allergic to.


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The Boondock Saints picture

Question: What is the idea/situation behind the whole scene at the beginning of the film where the two 'Saints' walk up to the alter?

Answer: The priest thought they were trying to attack or assault the other priest, but since they Saints are very religious and the other priest knows it, he let them be. They kissed the statue to show respect.


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