Best movie questions of 1999

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Message in a Bottle picture

Question: How did the bottle end up in lake Michigan if it was thrown in the Atlantic ocean?

Answer: None of the bottles ended up in Lake Michigan. Theresa is from Chicago, and when she and her son are at Boston Logan Airport she tells her ex-husband she'll be staying in Cape Cod for a few days, which is where she finds the bottle on the beach, along the Atlantic Coast. Then after the newspaper article, Theresa learns of another letter in a bottle, which Theresa notes as "bottle #2", and this bottle was found in Ocean City, Maryland, also along the Atlantic Coast. Catherine's letter in a bottle was found at Virginia's shoreline, so all of the bottles were found on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean.

Super Grover

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The World is Not Enough picture

Question: What are those blades (the ones used at the end on the caviar factory) used for in real life?


Chosen answer: We see them in the movie when Bond first arrives to meet Electra - they're used for cutting trees in a straight line. Google "helicopter tree trimmer" to see dozens of examples.

Jon Sandys

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The General's Daughter picture

Question: When the generals daughter is being brought out in the coffin at the end, "Amazing Grace" is being played on the bagpipes. Is this a military thing for dead soldiers, and if so, why "Amazing Grace" and why a Scottish instrument in particular?

Answer: It's just a generic funeral song and the bagpipes are supposed to make it more...mournful.


More The General's Daughter questions

Answer: He's playing himself.


More Being John Malkovich questions
Boys Don't Cry picture

Question: Why does Lana at the end of the movie call Brandon "Teena"?

Answer: Brandon's birth name is Teena Tenae Brandon. When Teena decided to become a man, he reversed his first and last name to become Brandon Teena. Lana may have continued to call him Teena as a form of "I know the real you" familiarity "pet name".


More Boys Don't Cry questions

Go (1999)

Go picture

Question: What is the reason for all of the Iodine in the shrimp and if it makes people that sick, why would they put it in there?

Answer: Nobody puts iodine in shrimp. It is a naturally occurring substance in shellfish that some people are allergic to.


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Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman: The Movie picture

Question: At the end of season six, Grace told Robert E she was pregnant. Throughout this series finale, which is fast-forwarded three years, there is no such child. Do we assume she miscarried?


Chosen answer: We could assume that, but more likely the writers decided that adding a baby to the show did not serve the plot that well.


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Detroit Rock City picture

Question: What is the riff played in the scene where the guys are about to attack the Stella's brother beside the road (e.g. one of them takes off his belt and Jam takes out his drumsticks)?

Answer: It is the intro to Black Sabbath's "Iron Man".


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The Boondock Saints picture

Question: What is the idea/situation behind the whole scene at the beginning of the film where the two 'Saints' walk up to the alter?

Answer: The priest thought they were trying to attack or assault the other priest, but since they Saints are very religious and the other priest knows it, he let them be. They kissed the statue to show respect.


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Analyze This picture

Question: When Nicky Shivers is being held hostage, De Niro is about to belt him in the face with a metal pipe and make him fall into a hole. This most likely would have been fatal. But De Niro has a change of heart and walks away. Then Nicky sardonically comments "Well geez, that was pretty painless." Given that he was just spared from a painful ending, why would he make such a smart-alec comment?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: That's how he dealt with facing certain death and then not being killed. Some would be silently grateful as you suggest, others wouldn't. Everyone reacts differently.

Captain Defenestrator

More Analyze This questions
Pokemon: The Movie 2000 picture

Question: Does Missingno, the infamous "Pokemon 000" glitch from Pokemon Red/Green (Red/Blue in the states) appear in this movie?

Answer: Missingno is a glitch from the video games, and is not a real pokemon, so no.


More Pokemon: The Movie 2000 questions

Answer: It's done with CGI. Such freeway scenes are impossible to do with stunt drivers as you would need very complicated choreography to make it look believable.


More Bowfinger questions

Answer: She considered it to be a badly written and poorly made movie, stating that it was "dreadful." Critics panned the movie as being "predictable," though its special effects were praised. The movie received a 12% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and was a huge commercial flop that made about half of its production costs. Curtis said she tried to get director John Bruno fired during the filming because she thought the movie was so bad.


More Virus questions
Holy Smoke picture

Question: After Ruth comes back home, she is driving out to the emu farm whilst listening and jiving along to some tune. Can anyone tell me what tune it is, and who it is by?

Answer: The tune is "You Oughta' Know" by Alanis Morrisette.

More Holy Smoke questions
Galaxy Quest picture

Question: At the end of the film, Malthazar says "The ship was a model as big as this - a very clever deception indeed." Does he mean that the Thermians now accept they were decieved by the "historical documents", or does he still believe the "documents" were real and the Captian was deceiving Sarris by pretending to admit they were false?


Chosen answer: He thinks that the Captain was just tricking Sarris and the "documents" were real.

J I Cohen

More Galaxy Quest questions

Chosen answer: Gauntlets that look cool and would help him block blows in hand-to-hand. (If he wasn't so bad at it, anyway.)

Grumpy Scot

More Mystery Men questions
Cruel Intentions picture

Question: Maybe I'm just missing something here, but when Kathryn and Annette talk in the bathroom, why does Kathryn act as though she doesn't know Annette? She obviously knows who she is as she has seen her several times. We know why Annette pretends not to know Kathryn but this bit doesn't make sense.

Answer: Well, this is my own opinion, but I think that Annette and Katharine were just pretending not to know each other. Remember, Katharine doesn't know how much Annette knows and Annette knows what kind of deception Katharine is constantly pulling off. I also think that Annette uses the line "turning to God" to foreshadow (and maybe scare) Katharine. Naturally, it didn't work until the journal got out.

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Varsity Blues picture

Question: Could a High School football team really coach itself in the last quarter of the game? Wouldn't the ref not allow an injured player, such as Lance, to coach since he's not an official high-school coach? I always wondered this.

Answer: There's no rule in any sport, at least none that I could find, that requires a team to have, or listen to, a coach. Obviously in most cases it's a good idea, but if the coach were poor and/or working against the interests of the team, the players wouldn't be breaking any rules by simply ignoring them and listening to someone else.

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Office Space picture

Question: While recognizing that this film is entirely fictitious, how likely is it that an IT firm in 1999 would have allowed a former employee access to the premises after being laid off, never mind continue to send him a paycheck as with Milton Waddams? I myself was fired the following year and got the walk of shame treatment ("you have 5 minutes to clear your desk - the taxi's waiting outside") which at the time already seemed pretty standard.

Answer: They never told Milton he was fired, they just cruelly cut off his paycheck, figuring he'd eventually get fed up and leave (he'd actually been laid off years ago, but a payroll glitch kept him getting a paycheck). The management is hoping if they're cruel enough, he'll stop showing up.

Brian Katcher

This is actually the reverse of what happened. The glitch caused him to continue to receive a paycheck, even though he'd been laid off. The "Bobs" corrected the glitch, so he would no longer receive a paycheck. In an effort to avoid confrontation, they chose not to say anything to him, hoping he'd realise it and leave on his own.

Answer: Simply because he is basically invisible to them. Anyone can walk into that place, no guard outside, no key-card required. Nobody cared. At least you got a taxi.


Exactly. These things can happen. It depends on the place and how they operate. As recently as January 2024, I read about one young woman who went into a Kroger grocery store and worked for six hours, as an experiment. She has also done this at Target and Walmart. She wears clothes that look like a real employee's.

More Office Space questions
A Christmas Carol picture

Question: If the 3 visiting ghosts did it all in one night like Scrooge said on Christmas morning why did his dead partner tell him the first tomorrow when the bell tolls 1, the 2nd spirit at the same time the next night, and the 3rd the night following at 12?

Answer: This is really a question for the author, Charles Dickens, but I see it as Marley wanting to put fear and anticipation or suspense into Scrooge. It sets the stage for him to think he's going to have to deal with the horror of these ghosts visits for three nights in a row. But then, after the third ghost, he thinks he's missed Christmas, but in his mind, it was a miracle that the ghosts were able to do it all in one night, making the day even more special.


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