Plot hole: When Karen is at Moselle's apartment looking for Snoopy, we overhear Kenneth on the phone talking about some boxers who are going to fight. The first thing we hear is him clarifying that the fights were at the State Theater. The fights are always at the State Theater and they always go there to watch them, so it makes no sense for him to have said that, other than to subtly benefit the plot.

Plot hole: In the scene in the woods right after Mel has gotten mad at Bobby he asks "Have I ever steered you wrong?" and Bobby shakes his head. Yet, it was Mel's idea to sell the drugs to Hitler's Henchmen, getting himself shot, getting Bobby beaten up and causing Rosie to lose the baby in the process. Maybe Bobby just didn't want Mel to hit him again. (01:01:05)

Plot hole: When Swayze goes through the weigh station, he is told he is exactly 80000 lbs in the US for a tandem tractor/trailer, (which is the legal limit, unless he has a permit, but unlikely to be EXACTLY that weight due to fuel burn, weight of driver, tools, etc) and sent around to have the load inspected. In 11 years of driving I have NEVER had a scalemaster inspect a load inside a dry van. Customs agents do, but not scalemasters. Also, Swayze tells the scalemaster he doesn't know why the pit bull is there, as he just picked up the trailer. That excuse wouldn't fly with an official. Finally, the way the trailer is loaded, the load would shift all over the place, probably not making 100 miles before being destroyed. (00:38:10)

Plot hole: Considering that this family has been training for the mission for years and certainly have received some instruction in astrobiology, they are awfully carefree around the cute little alien. Any real space farer would be aware of the enormous potential problems with first contact, like incompatible biochemistry (aliens might exude deadly toxins from their skin, be eaten alive by human-exhaled oxygen, etc). They even feed it human food without analyzing the alien; again, this could kill it, make it chemically dependent, cause it to go into a mating cycle, etc. But it's cute alien, so naturally they don't worry about any of this.

Plot hole: If Marybeth was able to seal her nostrils and use her extended finger to remove the cap and make nobody suspicious about her, why didn't Delilah do the same thing? She was alien, so she should've still been able to do it, same as Marybeth.

Plot hole: When Duke is being chased by the cop, Duke says, "But he won't know what to make of your blinker signal that says you are about to turn right. This is to let him know that you are pulling off for a proper place to talk. It'll take him a moment to realize he is about to make a 180 degree turn in speed. But you will be ready for him." Duke signals he is going to turn off to the right, but when he does, the cop turns to the left. (01:02:40)

Plot hole: When the armored guy is propelled under the tanker trailer, his backpack explodes. That blast can not have been large enough to lift the entire trailer through the air. The trailer never explodes itself, and if it did, the tank itself would have torn apart and the frame beneath would have stayed on the ground, pushed down by that blast above. (Oh, and there's no such "safety feature" that is intended to launch a trailer in the air in case of an accident.) (00:05:00)

Plot hole: Elise and Samir are in the back seat of Hub's car near a park, and Hub and his partner are standing outside the car. No one else is in the car. They pass notes as they know they are being watched and listened to. Elise and Samir walk away, and Hub and his partner get back into the front seats of the car and drive off. Suddenly a man jumps out of Hub's side of the front of the car and leads the soldiers in a foot chase. But it turns out not to be Hub, but a decoy, so Hub and partner can slip away. But this guy was not in the car before and they've been under surveillance, so this guy couldn't get in the car unseen and the decoy chase wouldn't have worked if he had been seen getting in the car. (01:33:40 - 01:36:15)

Plot hole: The rape scene in the parking lot... there is no one around for THAT long? But wait, once the detectives come in the scene two people are walking in the background with a shopping cart - they must have seen something!

Plot hole: During David Leigh's narrative about Jim's court case, you are shown a number of newspaper headlines concerning the murders. One shows a shot of Locus looking at camera, with the caption 'Did Locus see his killer?' That shot was on the missing film which was found by David Leigh AFTER the murders were forgotten. So how did the paper get the picture?

Plot hole: Jude kills his victims by biting their necks and drinking their blood - the wounds should be quite obvious, yet the coroners don't appear to have noticed them.

Plot hole: Neighbours had called security to complain about loud music and shouting, but no one called to complain about someone running a power saw in a hotel room?

Plot hole: Mannie gives his boss the money in time minus the amount the homeless man used. What's to say he won't come looking for him later upon discovering the amount gone, see Lola's casino winnings, think his employee ripped him off then kill both of them before taking the money?
Suggested correction: The money that the homeless spent is not that significant. He can make up that amount by himself.

Plot hole: Batman finds at Belson's home a handwritten list of substances needed for a transplant. Why would Belson, a medical authority in the field that knows those things thoroughly, even write a list down? If it's for Freeze to procure him the material, why would it be at his house and not with him, and when did he even have time to be at home to do that, since he has been kidnapped by Freeze when he was driving on the outskirts of Gotham and taken to the oil rig? If he had time to go home, he at least would have changed clothes, he's still in the tuxedo he wore when he was kidnapped the night before.

Plot hole: At the end of the film all the police and ambulance vehicles manage to get into the school, but earlier Keri/Laurie smashed the mechanism that opens the gate.
Suggested correction: There's been a series of murders tied to an infamous serial killer... more than likely the police broke down the gate to gain access. (Which can be done in any number of ways: sawing through the locks, having the fire department dismantle it, ramming through it with an armored vehicle, etc.) They're not going to not come in just because there's a gate they can't open. Also, a quick Google search indicates that often, police are given access codes or ways to remotely open gates at certain buildings (schools, senior centers, etc.) in the event of an emergency. So it's entirely possible they also had a way to open the gate without breaking it down.

Plot hole: Throughout the movie, Bladebeak works for the villains. But, during the climax, he becomes a good guy without any explanation.

Plot hole: After the police arrest Roberts he's flagged for a federal warrant, but Lamb and Barrows don't show up to inquire about him until long after the plane crash. Shouldn't they have been there to pick Roberts up at the police station instead of being sent immediately to a federal penitentiary?

Plot hole: When the gang opens the gate and enter the house, Dog violently headbutts Charles in the face, but immediately afterwards and throughout the rest of the film, there are no cuts, bruises or swellings on Charles' face.