Dock Newton: You ain't any less of a drunk now than you was when hooch was legal.
Jess Newton: Well, you see, there's my point. That particular law ain't really doin' it's job, now is it?

Jack Ames: Fuck you.
Harry Ross: Just me? Not the horse I rode in on?
Jack Ames: Him too.

Lawson Russell: Drink, detective?
Clifford Dubose: Nah. Never touch it. Makes me happy.

Sid: I'm no role model. I'm a junkie and a thief.

Debbie Strand: No means no. Don't you guys get that? What is it, you stop understanding English when you get a hard-on?

Detective Ray Duquette: People aren't always what they appear to be. Don't forget that.

John Lee: It will be the last death I cause.