Best crime movie quotes of 1998

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Run Lola Run picture

Manni: What if I were in a coma, and the doc says, "One more day?"
Lola: I'd throw you into the ocean... Shock therapy.

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Snake Eyes picture

Kevin Dunne: Don't give me that wounded look. You haven't got the face for it.

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The Newton Boys picture

Dock Newton: You ain't any less of a drunk now than you was when hooch was legal.
Jess Newton: Well, you see, there's my point. That particular law ain't really doin' it's job, now is it?

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Croupier picture

Marion: Without hope there's no point to anything.

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Another Day in Paradise picture

Sid: I'm no role model. I'm a junkie and a thief.

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Devil In the Flesh picture

Debbie Strand: No means no. Don't you guys get that? What is it, you stop understanding English when you get a hard-on?

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Wild Things picture

Detective Ray Duquette: People aren't always what they appear to be. Don't forget that.

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The Replacement Killers picture

John Lee: It will be the last death I cause.

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Jane Austen's Mafia! picture

Anthony Cortino: Some would argue that the Mafia is a bad thing, that it uses its power to undermine law and order, to promote the very lowest forms of human behavior. Of course, that's all true, but in the end, maybe it's worth it.

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Thursday picture

Casey Wells: You know what they did in Ancient Rome when a visitor violated somebody's hospitality? They cut off his dick and they nailed it to the fucking gate!


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