Best crime movie quotes of 1998

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The Big Lebowski picture

Goon: What the fuck is this?
[Picks up a bowling ball hesitatingly.]
The Dude: Obviously you're not a golfer.

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Ronin picture

Jean-Pierre: At the end of the day we are likely to be punished for our kindnesses.

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Lethal Weapon 4 picture

Lee Butters: You have the right to remain silent. So shut the fuck up. You have the right to an attorney. If you can't afford an attorney, we will provide you with the dumbest fucking lawyer on Earth. If you hire Johnny Cochrane, I'll kill you!

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Belly picture

Lennox: Who wants to romp with bumbaclot?

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Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels picture

Student: We, er, shot one of them in the, em, throat.
Rory Breaker: What do you want? A medal? I'll shoot you in the fucking throat if I don't get my ganja back.

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The Negotiator picture

Lieutenant Danny Roman: A quick lesson in lying. See, this is what us real cops do: We study liars. Example: If I ask you a question about something visual, like your favorite color, your eyes go up and to the left. Neurophysiology tells us your eyes go in that direction, because you're accessing the visual cortex. So you're telling the truth. If your eyes go up and right, you're accessing the brain's creative centers and we know you're full of shit.

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Out of Sight picture

Adele: Hey bank robber! Hey, want some advice? Next time keep the engine running.

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Rush Hour picture

Lee: I like to let people talk who like to talk. It lets me find out how full of shit they are.
Carter: What the hell did you just say?

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Half Baked picture

Scarface: [Pointing at people] Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, and fuck you, I'm out!

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More The Siege quotes
American History X picture

Bob Sweeney: There was a moment, when I used to blame everything and everyone for all the pain and suffering and vile things that happened to me, that I saw happen to my people. Used to blame everybody. Blamed White people, blamed society, blamed God. I didn't get no answers 'cause I was asking the wrong questions. You have to ask the right questions.
Derek Vinyard: Like what?
Bob Sweeney: Has anything you've done made your life better?

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The Big Hit picture

Cisco: That mother fucker loaded...he got piles of cash just layin' around the crib.

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Very Bad Things picture

Robert Boyd: Time for some serious self-exploration - how do I function. For real! No more bullshit. Can I keep my cool when they bounce my bananas, when they won't play my song, etc, etc, etc. Do you get me? DO you GET ME?
Michael Berkow: Not really, no.

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Fallen picture

John Hobbes: There are moments which mark your life. Moments when you realise nothing will ever be the same and time is divided into two parts, before this, and after this... Sometimes you can feel such a moment coming. That's the test, or so I tell myself. I tell myself that at times like that, strong people keep moving forward anyway, no matter what they're going to find.

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Hard Rain picture

Henry: I'm going to row back there and see if he will shoot you. Or me. It's fine either way.

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Following picture

Cobb: Everyone has a box.

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Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero picture

Commissioner James 'Jim' Gordon: Come on, people! A guy in a wierd suit with two polar bears can't be too hard to spot. (00:30:45)

More Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero quotes
Black Dog picture

Agent Ford: ATF - what does that stand for?"Alcohol, Tobacco and Fuck-ups?"

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Les Miserables picture

Marius: If we can't win today, then none of us have a future.
Jean Valjean: You have love. That's the only future God gives us.

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Twilight picture

Mel: I know I've been a pain in the ass.
Harry: I don't mind. I didn't much like it when you shot me, though.

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