Visible crew/equipment: When Dad shows Mum his wine collection and the wine from their wedding, you can see a microphone dangling right over Dad's head.
Suggested correction: Sorry. Looked at it closely. Can't see any microphone. His head shot is so close to the top of the screen the entire time, there's no to very little room to show anything above his head.

Visible crew/equipment: When the ambulances and fire trucks show up at the building where the money was dropped off, the camera pans up the side of the closest ambulance and you can see the camera rig reflected in the windows. (00:34:55)

Visible crew/equipment: Crewmembers and the boom mike are often reflected in the football player's helmets throughout the film, especially in closeups of the players. (00:12:00)

Visible crew/equipment: When Cliff falls from the balcony and crowd is gathering, watch the pavement during the shot that pans across the street as the ambulance arrives. You can see the shadow of the boom mic and operator running with the crowd. (01:08:10)

Visible crew/equipment: As Chris leaves the bar at the end look to the right in the window and you will see the cameraman walking in front of him in the reflection.

Visible crew/equipment: When Max meets Mr Blume's wife at the parking, you can see the reflection of the crew on the building in the background.

Visible crew/equipment: Near the end when you see the skunk humping the dog, you can clearly see the puppeteer's hand moving the skunk.

Visible crew/equipment: When Senator Bulworth and Nina are dancing in the after-hours club, you can see a cameraman when the cameras are moving in circles around the Senator and Nina.

Visible crew/equipment: At the beginning when Ronnie is walking Diamond out of the dressing room and on to the main floor, if you look in the mirror on the right side of the wall in the dressing room, you will see a reflection of a crew member's head right after Ronnie's reflection.

Visible crew/equipment: After they run out of snowballs because Jack scrapes ground, the bullies recover and prepare to chase the boy. To the right on the ground, the shadow of a crewmember moving can be seen when we see them getting back up.

Visible crew/equipment: Just before Johnathan Taylor Thomas climbs into the fake Santa's sleigh to sleep for the night, he is talking to Santa and playing with his hand. On his lower chest is the shadow of the camera (since the light is coming from behind the camera), which disappears in the following angle.

Visible crew/equipment: When Shakespeare enters the bedroom with the Romeo and Juliet first act, he discovers Mr. Tilney is having sex. As Tilney gets out of the bed, you can see what looks like a microphone above his trousers.