Trivia: Though promotional photos of Victorian dressed Cenobites wearing white powdered wigs were released in various sci-fi magazines to promote this film, the Victorian Cenobites were never shown once the movie was released.

Trivia: When Mike puts on the Manipulator Arms, you can hear Torgo's Theme from 'Manos: The Hands of Fate' for a bit in the background.

Trivia: Col Patterson's employer, Dr Beaumont, played by Tom Wilkinson, was actually eaten by a lion while visiting Africa.

Trivia: Daniel Day-Lewis is Arthur Miller's son-in-law.

Trivia: The story was inspired by the classic television show "The Twilight Zone" (1959) in the episode "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street," which depicts the denizens of the street slowly becoming crazy after a power failure. In fact, in the film's production notes, Matthew and Annie live on the corner of Maple and Willoughby (another classic TZ episode, "A Stop At Willoughby"), obvious allusions to "The Twilight Zone".

Trivia: Nate Pope (Forest Whitaker) is an Amateur Radio operator with the call sign WB6QLF. QLF is amateur shorthand for "I am sending with my left foot", a reference to someone whose Morse Code sending skill is very bad. This is normally sent as a question "QLF?" meaning "Are you sending with your left foot?" to an operator who is very difficult to understand in Morse.

Trivia: Janeane Garofalo who is only just over five feet tall sometimes had to stand on a box so she was in the same frame with Uma Thurman, who is 6 feet tall.

Trivia: This film was released as 'Hard Eight' in the US.

Trivia: In some parts of the film, Sandy is wearing a Smashing Pumpkins T-shirt - Elijah Wood's (Sandy) favourite band.

Trivia: During the "Funky Towel" song, there is a shot of the medicine cabinet and one of the roaches is dancing on a box of boric acid. Boric acid kills roaches.

Trivia: Michael Keaton is seen wearing a Penn State hat. Keaton was born in Pennsylvania and is a long time resident of Pittsburgh, although Penn State is not his alma mater.

Trivia: When Dick Steele rides the horse into the elevator, the two people already in the elevator are Loren Janes and his wife Ginger. They both appeared in the movie "True Lies" which is parodying the scene portraying the same couple in the same situation. Loren Janes even provided the stunts for this movie too.

Trivia: This film depicts the Utah Jazz as the NBA's Western Conference Champions (and eventual NBA champions). In the NBA season that followed the release of this film, the Jazz coincidentally became Western Conference Champions for the first time in franchise history, though they would lose in the NBA Finals to the Chicago Bulls.

Trivia: Although she portrays Michelle Pfeiffer's mother in this film, Holland Taylor is in reality only 15 years older than Pfeiffer.

Trivia: In the bar fight scene, there is a brief shot of Michael standing over a man with a trash can lid and mop, and then Michael quickly moves away after that. John Travolta's stance in this shot resembles that of artists' depictions of the archangel Michael standing over Satan.