Plot hole: In the final tournament when Happy is stuck in the rough, he swings five times. Assuming he hit his drive into the rough and hit an AMAZING shot from the edge of the water into the hole, he still could do no better than a seven on the hole. Happy only lost one stroke on the hole. (01:16:50)
Plot hole: In the scene where Roy takes his ball out of the hole, at the last round of the US Open, the crowd are going wild etc. Dave, who has a chance to win the competition, doesn't finish off his round.
Plot hole: When Clooney gets the call from Melanie's mother, he calls Melanie to let her know that her mother can not watch her son. She asks how he got her phone number, implying that she did not know that the phones were switched. Right afterwards she tells him he has a meeting at five. How did she know that he had a meeting if she just found out that they switched phones?