Best drama movie trivia of 1996

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Dragonheart picture

Trivia: The names of the dragonslayers hired by the Queen are Uhlric, Cavan, Ivor, Tavis, and Trahern, according to the novelization of the film by Charles Edward Pogue. None of the dragonslayers are listed in the credits.

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The English Patient picture

Trivia: This is not made entirely clear in the movie but in the book it is nearly seven years before the Count returns to the cave for Katherine's body.


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The Long Kiss Goodnight picture

Trivia: Scriptwriter Shane Black is a huge believer in recycling. Check out how much the moment when Jackson is captured by Bierko resembles Rigg's capture by McAllister in "Lethal Weapon". Black's 3 biggest movies - "Lethal Weapon", "The Last Boy Scout" and "The Long Kiss Goodnight" all involve a major character's daughter being kidnapped (to say nothing of all beginning with an "L").

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Taxi picture

Trivia: The driving school where Emilien attends is called G. Pires, the name of the director of the movie.


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Last Man Standing picture

Trivia: "Last man standing" is actually the third remake of the 1961 Kurosawa film "Yojimbo" (Japanese for "The Bodyguard"). The second remake of the film was in 1967 called "A Fistful Of Dollars", starring Clint Eastwood. Yojimbo had the exact same plot as the other two, except it was about a Lone Samurai. The other two films just took the exact same story and put it in a different time period and setting.


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More The Ghost and the Darkness trivia
More The Crucible trivia
The Trigger Effect picture

Trivia: The story was inspired by the classic television show "The Twilight Zone" (1959) in the episode "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street," which depicts the denizens of the street slowly becoming crazy after a power failure. In fact, in the film's production notes, Matthew and Annie live on the corner of Maple and Willoughby (another classic TZ episode, "A Stop At Willoughby"), obvious allusions to "The Twilight Zone".

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Phenomenon picture

Trivia: Nate Pope (Forest Whitaker) is an Amateur Radio operator with the call sign WB6QLF. QLF is amateur shorthand for "I am sending with my left foot", a reference to someone whose Morse Code sending skill is very bad. This is normally sent as a question "QLF?" meaning "Are you sending with your left foot?" to an operator who is very difficult to understand in Morse.

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More Sydney trivia
The Substitute picture

Trivia: The movie was shot during the summer months and kids enrolled in summer classes were extras on the film. Free Papa John's pizza was served to anyone who would stay after school.

Ian Hunt

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Michael picture

Trivia: In the bar fight scene, there is a brief shot of Michael standing over a man with a trash can lid and mop, and then Michael quickly moves away after that. John Travolta's stance in this shot resembles that of artists' depictions of the archangel Michael standing over Satan.

More Michael trivia
Doctor Who: The Movie picture

Trivia: In this movie, the hinges on the small phone box door, which is contained in the larger left hand door of the Tardis are located to the right, causing the door to open from the left. In the TV series (original and new) the same door opens from the right, with hinges on the left.

Jeff Walker

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The Sunchaser picture

Trivia: This was director Michael Cimino's last feature-length film.

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More Miami Hustle trivia
Fly Away Home picture

Trivia: The original title for the film was "Flying Wild." A number of trailers for the film under this original title were even released, including notably on the VHS release for the hit film "Jumanji." The title was only changed a few weeks before the film was released in theaters.


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