Trivia: Throughout the entire movie, no one ever says the bass player's name. Even in the credits, he is listed as T.B. Player and The Bass Player.

Trivia: The guy sitting at the $100 table is Vince Vaughn's father, and the old lady who wins at blackjack is Jon Favreau's grandmother.

Trivia: Antonio Banderas got the role of Che by submitting a self-made audition tape and then performing all the musical numbers in front of director Alan Parker at a dinner meet in Miami.

Trivia: Kevin Costner made most of his own golf shots in this film.

Trivia: The movie wasn't based on a true story. The Coen brothers just threw that in. That said, the special edition DVD of the film contains a statement that the film was inspired by a real life incident in which Richard Crafts killed his wife Helle and disposed of her body by feeding it through a woodchipper.

Trivia: When Quasimodo is singing a few minutes into the film, he is standing above the town street where people are walking around, doing business. If you look closely to the lower right of the scene, you can see Belle from "Beauty and the Beast" reading a book in her blue dress, walking.

Trivia: When Charlie and Fulton go to the amusement park, an arcade attendant jokes with them about playing hooky. The man who plays the arcade attendant in this movie also played an unnamed celebrity at Coach Bombay's party in D2, and the same man played a lawyer in the first movie. He also happens to be the movie's screenwriter, Steven Brill.

Trivia: In the book, Aaron does not have a stutter - the stutter was introduced for the film because when Edward Norton auditioned for the part, he did the lines with a stutter and it won him the part.

Trivia: A projectile hitting the air at near the speed of light" (about 334,800,000 MPH) would instantly vaporise in a huge, blinding flash from the ridiculously intense frictional heating that would occur at such an enormous velocity in the atmosphere. The energy released would probably kill the shooter and anyone standing anywhere near him. Makes for a good movie effect though.

Trivia: Ewen Bremner, who plays Spud, performed in the production of "Trainspotting" as Renton for a year before landing the role of Spud in the film.

Trivia: The unit that was portrayed in the tank battle was to be the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment because they were actually in a friendly fire incident. During the shoot, someone showed the director the 2nd ACR's patch and he thought that was better looking.

Trivia: Does anyone else notice the parallels between this movie and The Devil's Advocate? They both have Al Pacino running New York City and his "right hand man" is named Kevin.