Kate Reilly: Who named them graboids anyway?
Earl Bassett: A friend of ours, Walter Chang, he named them. Then they ate him.

Riggi: Hey, clown boy! Get off my street.
Christopher Dubois: Wait a minute.
Riggi: Hey, Dubois, what are you sick in the head or something? Please, grow up, go get yourself some new and nice clothes and come to work for me.
Christopher Dubois: I don't work for nobody.
Riggi: It's too bad, Dubois, it's too bad, you're a wasted talent, but nuts case, you know that. Suit yourself.

Eddie Kasalivich: Doctor Sinclair and I ride together.

Monfriez: Sir, if you get a hangfire on your weapon, what do you do? You wait, with your weapon pointed in a safe direction, 'cause sometimes the primer bursts, and if you open the chamber it blows up in your face. Leave this round in the chamber, sir.

Snake: Which one of you assholes gets to die trying to stick me?

Sheriff Ed Galt: You know something amigo? I think I just spotted a chink in your armor. When you go down... it's going be over a skirt.

Garrett Lawton: I make it a point to know a little bit about everything.

Xander Drax: Quill, would you please show Mr. Walker up to the observation deck and make him talk?
Sala: I claim the body when you're done.

Joe: The Martians have landed. They want our women.