Best sci-fi movie quotes of 1994

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Movie Quote Quiz
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein picture

The Creature: I do know that for the sympathy of one living being, I would make peace with all. I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other.

More Mary Shelley's Frankenstein quotes
Guyver: Dark Hero picture

Sean Barker: The Guyver Unit. It's been a year since the alien armor invaded my body and became a part of me. A year since I first became the Guyver and destroyed the Chronos Corporation and their shape changing killers, the Zoanoids. Now Chronos is gone. But the Guyver stays in me. Calling me to fight. To kill.

More Guyver: Dark Hero quotes
Timecop picture

McComb: Elections are won with television. You don't need the press, you don't need endorsements, you don't even need the truth. You need money.

More Timecop quotes
Double Dragon picture

Koga Shuko: I just want total domination of one major American City! Is that too much to ask for!? Is it? Is it? Huh?

More Double Dragon quotes
Street Fighter picture

Bison: Dee Jay, has the AN deposited the twenty million in my Swiss bank?
[Dee Jay checks and finds the account empty.]
Dee Jay: Hell no, General.

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Star Trek: Generations picture

Scotty: Finding retirement a little lonely, are we?
Kirk: You know, I'm glad you're an engineer. With tact like that, you'd make a lousy psychiatrist.

Cubs Fan

More Star Trek: Generations quotes
Stargate picture

Colonel Jonathan "Jack" O'Neil: Give my regards to King Tut, asshole.

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No Escape picture

The Father: You've got a terrible case of "nobody tells me what to do."

More No Escape quotes
Highlander III: The Sorcerer picture

Connor MacLeod: Where is Kane?
Warrior #1: Don't worry about him. Worry about me.

More Highlander III: The Sorcerer quotes
More Junior quotes
Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead picture

Tim: Shit! What the hell are those?

More Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead quotes
The Puppet Masters picture

Niven: It's the kid from the spaceship. Get him off the car.

More The Puppet Masters quotes
Shopping picture

Billy: I stole cars at school. Take them over at break. Leave it parked outside the gates and at the end of the day I was the only kid to drive home. I was a fucking hero.

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