Best movie questions of 1993

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Striking Distance picture

Question: Tom Hardy puts his shotgun shells in his mouth before swimming from his patrol boat to the larger boat. Why is this?

Answer: Because they'd be completely useless if he allowed them to get soaked by the water.


But his head comes out of the water. So the shells got wet anyway.

Answer: That's not true but the shotgun shells he was using are waterproof.

More Striking Distance questions
Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers picture

Question: How was the rain scene accomplished?

Answer: It was added at the edit. During the animation, the animators just made little sprinkles on the characters so it would look like the rain actually hit them.

More Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers questions
Robocop 3 picture

Question: Is there any reason why this film was toned down so much in comparison to the previous two films? Much of this film played like a Saturday-morning-cartoon, and less like the gritty and violent predecessors. Just curious as to why this radical (and unnecessary) change was made.

Answer: They wanted to make the film approachable to a broader age group. Kids were into Robocop, even though the movies weren't necessarily "kid friendly", so they made the third movie one that parents wouldn't mind their kids seeing in an effort to get more sales.


More Robocop 3 questions

Answer: She was posing as the mother of the little boy who lived adjacent to Andy and Tracy.

Alan Keddie

More Malice questions
Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit picture

Question: What did Sister Mary Patrick mean when she said "you don't have to bite the donut to know it's sweet"? I believe this was in the scene when she was teaching her class when Deloris was looking for hers.

Answer: Sister Mary Patrick is being challenged by Sondra, one of her students, who says, "you can't answer any questions about... Sex." The sister's reply is, "oh, don't be so sure - you don't have to bite the donut to know it's sweet." She offers this as an analogy, in order to posit that one doesn't have to have engaged in sex acts to know what sex is all about, or that it may be enjoyable even when it isn't necessarily good for you.

Michael Albert

Answer: You don't need to learn about sex to know what it is about.

More Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit questions

Answer: Michael Jackson was slated to record a song and music video for the film. The music video had him living in the Addams family mansion with angry townsfolk trying to drive him out of town for being scary and weird. The scene in the film was suppose to reflect that he scared "normal" kids, it had nothing to do with a scandal. When Evan Chandler started talking about his son being molested by Jackson, the song and music video were pulled and not included with the film. But the poster scene was left in. Later, when the scandal fully broke and more accusation were made, the joke of the scene took on another meaning.


Good thing the accusations were all false! :).

Answer: If memory serves, it's a poster for Heal the World? I think he probably screams because this song was WAY over-played on radio stations at the time! It certainly was in the UK where I am from so I imagine in America it was over-played so much more.

Chosen answer: Not only is it a reference to Jackson's general scary weirdness, but also his alleged pedophilia (child molestation), causing the boy to react in fear.


Impossible, the first pedophilia accusations were made just a few months before the movie came out.

Those accusations had been an open secret for a long time, though.

More Addams Family Values questions
Falling Down picture

Question: Why does the Beggar throw the apple at D-fens? I found it odd since he just gave him a briefcase and a lunch.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Because the beggar thought there would be items of value in the briefcase and he was frustrated that there was nothing in there. So in frustration he threw the apple at D-Fens.


More Falling Down questions
The Crush picture

Question: Why is Darian changed to Adrian in the TV version?

Answer: The scriptwriter based the film on events that actually happened to him and rather unwisely didn't change the name of the girl. She sued him, hence the change of the name for the TV version.


More The Crush questions
What's Eating Gilbert Grape picture

Question: The very last scene shows Becky with longer hair than she previously had and Arnie with shorter hair. Which one, if either, is wearing a wig and did they shoot this scene first or last?

Answer: They shot it last and they didn't wear wigs.

More What's Eating Gilbert Grape questions
Body Snatchers picture

Question: After Marti's father returns to her and Andy, they are driving through the base. Marti's father tells her not to show emotion because they can be fooled. She looks at him and realizes he is one of them. What was different about him that made Marti realize the truth? Her dad was acting normal and I could not see him giving anything away so what did I miss?


Chosen answer: I actually just watched this movie again today and I think it was because he was acting too calm and quiet. Marti might have got suspicious from the slight change in his personality. He also wasn't sweaty anymore and didn't have that white patch on his cheek that you can see in the previous scene when he picks up the phone in the doctor's office.

Answer: Before Steve ran off to find help the baddies were chasing them, when he reappeared the pod people just ignored them. Then he was driving someplace that was not an escape route, which, I believe, was what first tipped Marti off. And because he repeated the same exact line.

Alan Keddie

More Body Snatchers questions
True Romance picture

Question: What is the name of the music being played when Clarence enters the club and kills Drexyl? And the name of the song being played when Drexyl kills Samuel L Jackson?


Chosen answer: When Clarence kills Drexel: "I want your body" by Nymphomania. When Drexel kills Samuel L Jackson: "Skinny (They can't get enough) " by The Skinny Boys.

More True Romance questions
This Boy's Life picture

Question: In the book, Dwight and Toby paint the whole house white, including the piano. But in the movie, I don't remember that scene. They definitely have movie still photos though of Robert De Niro and Leonrdo DiCaprio covered in white paint. Anyone understand this?

Answer: It's typical in movies that more scenes are filmed than what makes it into the final film. This has to do with continuity, the film's overall length, plotting, etc. If a certain scene does not serve the overall story structure, then it is edited out. Sometimes the studio insists that certain scenes be cut, even over a director's objections. After a movie is released on DVD, the deleted scenes may be restored in a "director's cut" or there's a separate section showing all the edited portions.


Thanks! Just wanted to make sure I wasn't making it up.

More This Boy's Life questions
Last Action Hero picture

Question: All of the actors in this film are actually credited as either themselves, or their character in the Jack Slater films (eg. the reporters recognise Tom Noonan as himself at the film premiere). However, the actress playing Whitney is actually called Bridgette Wilson, not Meredeth as Danny points out. Why was this?

Answer: Most likely, she was not a well-known enough actress to have name recognition like Arnold.

Brian Katcher

More Last Action Hero questions
Cannibal! The Musical picture

Question: Does anyone know if there is a soundtrack (CD) for this movie available anywhere?

Answer: I doubt it as, the film was made during Parker's college years, but every song asis available as an mp3 at

Answer: You can now buy it via the link - it became available in May 2024:

Heather Benton

More Cannibal! The Musical questions
Freaked picture

Question: Keanu Reeves appeared in heavy makeup for this film in the uncredited (yet prominent) supporting role of "Ortiz the Dog Boy," and most viewers were oblivious to Reeves' involvement in the movie for many years after its release. Inasmuch as Reeves had starred twice before in comedies with Alex Winter, I'm only guessing that this film's producers didn't want a "Bill and Ted" association to complicate or misdirect the film's marketing; but why exactly did Reeves go uncredited in "Freaked"?

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: Honestly, I think it was just a bit of fun for Reeves. It's really not uncommon for prominent actors to do uncredited roles and cameos in films. I've seen it happen before many times. And given that the director/co-writer/co-producer is his "Bill and Ted" co-star Alex Winter, I have serious doubts they were worried about any "Bill and Ted" association. (If anything that would have helped them at the box office.) It was probably a case of Reeves doing it as a favor for a friend, and they decided to have fun with it and keep him uncredited to see if anyone would figure it out.


More Freaked questions
The Secret Garden picture

Question: Was there ever anything wrong with Colin? He seems to be in bed all the time and doesn't really do anything. Was he disabled or just kept in bed all the time for no reason?

Answer: Mary is told by Dickon that Colin was born early, and Martha even says that he was born very small and weak and no-one thought that he would survive. I think his premature birth made them believe that he was going to be a sickly child.

Answer: In the book, Colin suffered from an unidentified spinal condition that prevented him from walking. The 1993 film seems to imply there was nothing physically wrong, it being a psychosomatic condition nurtured by others and which he was able to overcome.


More The Secret Garden questions
Les Visiteurs picture

Question: Béatrice is speaking a peculiar French accent (copied also with another actor on Les Visiteurs II). It sounds like extreme version of Canadian or Swiss Geneva region French. Which accent is this and why was it so important to carry on tio the sequel?


Chosen answer: Valérie Lemercier's accent sounds nothing like Canadian French. It is a posh bourgeoisie accent such as would be heard in towns like Neuilly.


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Needful Things picture

Question: What does Netty say when Wilma calls her after she discovered the turkey **** all over her sheets? Wilma says "I'm gonna get you and your stupid mutt" and Netty replies with something that sounds like a foreign language before finally talking English again and saying "He's a good dog".

Answer: She says "You don't dare. You stop bothering me and my Raider." (Raider being her dog).


More Needful Things questions

Answer: According to an old post on the Bladeforums website, it was an 8" Al Mar Shadow.

More Sniper questions

Answer: His belief in a family curse.

Captain Defenestrator

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