Plot hole: When it's learned that Jonah has taken a flight to New York by himself, the panicked adults never think to contact United Airlines, the New York Police Department, port authorities, airport security, the taxi companies, or the Empire State Building staff to alert them that an unaccompanied minor child is headed their way. Instead, Sam hops on the next flight to NYC to search for Jonah by himself. Considering the many hours Jonah waits on the Empire observation deck alone, it is apparent that none of the above knew he was there.

Plot hole: Where are all the graduating students? The ones that are going to be seniors the next fall are established. But what about the ones who graduated? There is absolutely no sign of any one of them anywhere, not at the Emporium, that at the outdoor party, nowhere.
Suggested correction: When Randy, Tony, Mike and Cynthia are all standing outside the classroom trying to convince Tony to come to the party, Mike mentions that all the graduating seniors are away on their senior class trip.

Plot hole: Foster served in the military and even received a Purple Heart as indicated by the plaque in his mother's home. Yet he needs a kid to explain to him how to handle an M72 rocket launcher. A weapon introduced in the 60s and thus well within his time at the military.
Suggested correction: Not everyone in the military knows how to use this particular type of weapon. In fact, probably most don't.

Plot hole: During the bedroom scene, when Dennis shoves a flashlight into Mr. Wilson's mouth and nose, Wilson opens his eyes. It would be impossible for Dennis not to notice his open eyes, and realise he's faking being asleep, especially when he puts the light into Wilson's nose.

Plot hole: In the scene in the hotel, David sees the victim's head on the floor after the killer left. Later when David is in a hospital bed he is watching TV and the reporter claims that all the heads were in Judd's car. The killer would have had to have gone back into the hotel room to get the head of that victim after David saw it. She would have put it in her bag right away if she was saving them all. The bag was even left behind. (01:12:30 - 01:25:00)

Plot hole: There's a number of strange things about Butch's and Terry's escape: When the grid falls down the very loud noise passes unnoticed. After they climb down the tied bedsheets Butch pulls once and it comes down, although no-one tied it loose. And finally, their escape route ended within the prison walls, and they needed to kidnap the clerk, who had come back into the prison to get some papers, for the escape in his car, something which wasn't planable at all. (00:05:40)

Plot hole: April and Kenshin switch place in time as they were - by some extraordinary coincidence - holding the scepter "at the same time" (if the concept makes any sense) in the exact same pose, with a switch that takes several second of intense lightning storms and 'tornado weather' as one of the Turtles put it. Here there is the assumption that 4 priests would be around the scepter exactly at the same time, and when the Turtles do switch with Norinaga's elite soldiers instead they certainly were in completely different poses, far away enough to ride horses, who did not get spooked one bit by the lightnings and sudden winds but rode as if nothing happened.