Audio problem: When Phil is playing the piano with the jazz group, we hear three glissandos (dragging of the fingers over the keys starting from high to low), yet we see his hands only do one. We hear the first two happen while we see his hands playing something different.

Audio problem: When the head of the Nazi forced labor camp is on his balcony shooting workers that aren't working, he fires two shots, kills two workers then reloads for a third shot but doesn't shoot. When he goes back inside, he ejects the live round he chambered onto his girlfriend, but when the round hits the floor, it clanks like an empty shell.

Audio problem: When the Sheriff of Rottingham is talking to Prince John about the bad news, after the sheriff tells "John" he says "Are you kidding? That's terrible news." You can hear the audio 'clip' or max out as he raises his voice. As a result that line sounds fuzzy.

Audio problem: In the European version, Taco Bell is replaced by Pizza Hut, however, when Huxley says to John Spartan that they're going to Pizza Hut, we see her lips say "Taco Bell." (00:57:00)

Audio problem: When Tori says "something was rubbing my leg" her mouth doesn't move in the shot when she says "my leg." (00:30:30)

Audio problem: When Gromit is knocking on his bedroom door to get Feathers McGraw to turn the loud music off, his bangs are out of sync with the sound produced.

Audio problem: When Sassy shakes her head during mealtime in the kitchen of the woman temporarily watching the animals, a bell rings although no cat bell can be seen on her collar.
Suggested correction: Actually there is a bell on her collar you can see it when Kate is preparing the food for the dogs.

Audio problem: The original audio track for the saloon scene towards the end was accidentally lost during filming. Because the film was largely ad-libbed, not all of the lines could be recalled when the scene was dubbed in post production. As a result, lip movement is matched rather poorly to the audio.

Audio problem: At the beginning of the movie, during the scene when Bertha and the rebels steal the police arsenal, the big guard robot speaks with a metallic voice to make warnings, but in the version of the film dubbed to Spanish, it is completely voiceless.

Audio problem: In the scene where O'Bannion and Benny are hazing Hershfelder, Don goes for a beer in the trunk of O'Bannion's Duster. You hear a clicking sound as Don opens the trunk but in that shot he only lifts the trunk lid without using keys or having his hands anywhere near the lock.

Audio problem: When Yeah-Yeah goes over the fence, he's panting but his breathing doesn't match his mouth or shoulder movements.

Audio problem: When Dennis shoots a marble at the robber's head, when the robber goes to wash his head in the water, you hear Dennis talking, but he is not moving or moving his lips in the background.

Audio problem: During the scene when Van Damme takes on the car on a motorcycle you see the driver get shot back from impact of a gunshot. In that shot, the guy next to him with the gun out the window fires a gunshot, but no gunshot sound is heard.

Audio problem: When Daniel and Jack are driving around looking for where the "bad guys" are you can hear their voices echoing when they are still sitting in the car indicating that it was rerecorded. (00:40:50)

Audio problem: When Henry is at bat, his mother is berating the pitcher. She starts saying you stupid mother... and it cuts to Gary Busey completing the sentence. He says "God damn," but his mouth doesn't match. Chances are he said the f-word but it was changed in post for ratings issues.
Suggested correction: He doesn't say "God damn." He says "of God in Heaven."