Other mistake: When Dr Grant and the children reach the perimeter fence, Dr Grant tries to see if he can fit through, to no avail. When he and the kids start to climb, however, it is quite obvious that both Tim and Lex would have been able to crawl through quite easily, and that only Dr Grant should have had to climb over. Partly this links to the mistake here, where the holes in the fence are much bigger in the first shot, then when he tries to widen them he's holding a different part of the fence where they're smaller.

Other mistake: In the scene at the beginning where Phil eats Jason's Heart, you'll notice that he screams like a monster for a bit. Don't you think that the two security guards would easily hear the screaming and intervene, being that they're in the very next room? (00:13:40)

Other mistake: When the Earp Brothers first arrive at Tombstone Fred White is telling them about the Cowboys and says "there's three of them now," the camera then shows four people wearing the red sash of the Cowboys.

Other mistake: When Kimble takes the elevator to the conference to confront Dr. Nichols, he presses a button, but the one beside it is the one that actually lights up. In this particular elevator, the button he pressed is the one that should have lit up.

Other mistake: In the 15th minute, in the scene where the two gangsters first spot Michael Douglas, one is smoking a cigarette and smokes it backwards. The tan filter is visible on the end of the cigarette.

Other mistake: When Robocop is being repaired by the homeless guys, you can see clearly his stomach going up and down as he breathes. If he's mechanical he shouldn't be breathing, and even if they kept that bit of his innards, he's covered in a titanium shell so we shouldn't be able to see anything moving anyway.

Other mistake: When Gabe and the bad guy are fighting on the helicopter on the side of the cliff look carefully at the rotor shaft - you can clearly see that it has changed. Earlier when it was on the ground you see the shaft and the scissors on it. When it is upside down the scissors have vanished and the rotor shaft has a different look to it.

Other mistake: During all of the Battle Scenes there isn't nearly enough blood on the swords. This is most apparent in the last fight.

Other mistake: During the scene where Phoenix is questioning the leader of the future society in his office, he says at least one word (hell) that he should have been fined for, and isn't. We see that there is a ticket printer in the room in a later scene, when Savage sets it off during his own confrontation. (01:06:50)

Other mistake: In the scene where Andrea is being sucked into the fan at the Gotham worlds fair, Batman rides in on his motorcycle. He turns into the fan to rescue her, but his cape is flapping in the opposite direction in which the fans are sucking.

Other mistake: In the scene where Nina assassinates a woman from the hotel room with a rifle, she kills her with three or four shots. The rifle she had was a bolt action and could not be fired that quickly.

Other mistake: In the close-up facial shots of the supposedly free-roaming tiger stalking in the bushes outside the house, a leash can be seen connecting the tiger to an off-camera animal handler.

Other mistake: In the scene where Chris O'Donnell is going to rescue the two damsels being chased, he dismounts from his horse that is already tied to the cart and ties the horse with the other rein.

Other mistake: Berenger probably took a toe or two off when he stabbed the guys foot, but he moved around just fine afterwards. (01:13:40)

Other mistake: Before Jack's car jumps over the bridge, a van skids on the road. The first angle shows a thug firing at Jack, and the second angle shows Jack swerving to the left to dodge the bullets. The editing is all wrong here: The thug fires at the opposite lane to where Jack is, so he is really driving to where the bullets are.

Other mistake: In the police car chase after the prison break, Mario lets go of the wheel to prove a point to Luigi. In doing so, their police car rams head on with a civilian car, causing the police car to ramp up and stop on top of the civilian car. Normally, this could theoretically happen. However, in that world, the police cars are fitted with a snow plow like thing on the front of the cars, with an angle to them. The way the cars hit, it is not possible for the police car to have hopped up on top of the civilian car in such a manner. If anything, the snow plow would have caused the civilian car to ramp up on the police car.

Other mistake: The scene in the hospital, where Maniac Cop shots two people on the stairs is not in the hospital. It's a scene taken from Maniac Cop 2 during the police station massacre.

Other mistake: After Leonardo revives Yoshi, he picks him up, hugs him and touches heads with each other as they hug but Yoshi pretty much moved his head immediately and Leonardo continued sitting there as if their heads were still touching. It looks like the actor didn't realise the child moved away and they never reshot it. (00:48:15)

Other mistake: When Michelle removes her mole to give it to Topper, it pops off and is visible for a split second in front of the pinky knuckle of the hand she removed it with. They continue on as if she successfully removed it and gave it to him. (00:50:06)

Other mistake: Van Cleef and Boudreaux reload their guns, and then have the mother of all firefights, culminating with Boudreaux emptying both guns into Van Cleef. They only had two guns each and the amount of shots they fired apiece was way in-excess of what they reloaded.
Suggested correction: Maybe it's because Phoenix isn't coded, so the swear printer doesn't know who to fine, and for that matter, because of it, it may not even register that it actually is being said by a human (it might be assuming it is a recording) since there is no voiceprint/coding match to attach the fine to.
False correction as when Simon was using the computer on the street (the "damn I'm possessed" scene) he curses there and it gives him a violation there. So therefore the machine in the leaders office should have given him a fine as well.
True, but it may also be a technological limitation based on proximity, (when Phoenix is in the booth, it knows that the person who violated the rule is right there, as it can easily "triangulate" his position based on there being multiple microphones in the booth for better background noise rejection, vs in a room where there are potentially multiple people in the same room.
This is too much of a stretch to justify a mistake in the film. You're making stuff up about non-existent technology that isn't fully explained in the film. The mistake stands, whether it was deliberate to keep the flow of the scene or a slip in dialog by the actor.