Trivia: Part of the film was actually shot at the infamous Cabrini-Green housing projects. The crew had to pay off members of local street-gangs in order to maintain a peaceful shoot. (Although allegedly, one bullet was fired at a production vehicle during photography).

Trivia: Michael Madsen was extremely reluctant to film the torture scenes, especially when he was required to hit Kirk Baltz.

Trivia: Screenwriter Aaron Sorkin has a cameo as a lawyer in a bar talking to a woman about one of his cases.

Trivia: The film had a notoriously troubled production, with several writers and directors dropping out of the project during development. With a looming release date, sets were built and a crew was assembled before a script was even settled on, and the final draft had to be written around the sets that had already been built. David Fincher, then a popular music video and commercial director, was chosen to helm the film, but he had nonstop creative difficulties with the producers and studios. He has since gone on to disown the film, as he feels it isn't reflective of his vision.

Trivia: The movie that Frank and Rachel watch is called "Yojimbo." Yojimbo is Japanese for bodyguard.

Trivia: Director Paul Verhoeven approached Peter Weller for the role of Nick Curran but the producers opted for Michael Douglas instead.

Trivia: The Berlin railway station where Melanie Griffiths first meets John Gielgud is in fact St Pancras station in London.

Trivia: While the movie's events take place after "The Hunt for Red October," the events of the "Games" novel take place before "October."

Trivia: Director Robert Rodriquez spent a month in a clinic as a "test dummy" to earn the money to film the movie. They only had enough film for one shot. Any of the mistakes found are due to the limited budget available, as they couldn't afford to correct themselves.

Trivia: Early on in the film an officer shows a copy of Playboy magazine to a crewman. Erika Eleniak was the centerfold in that issue of Playboy.

Trivia: Lyman Ward and Cindy Pickett, who play Tanya's parents, also played the parents of Ferris in Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

Trivia: At the fairground, when Rane and the two terrorists walk away as Cutter is arriving, there's a white Honda Civic seen. It's license plate reads "outatime", the same as the plate on the DeLorean in Back to the Future.

Trivia: The jacket that Robert Redford wears for most of the film is the exact same jacket he wears in "The Natural" - he got to keep it after filming had finished, and wore it for this film as well.

Trivia: The building that explodes in the beginning of the film (due to Mel Gibson messing with the bomb) was the old city hall in downtown Orlando, Florida, where the scene was shot. In reality, only half the building collapsed from the explosion.

Trivia: Originally Stephen King's name was included with the opening credits; but after seeing a rough cut of the film, he hated it so much he demanded that his name by taken off the film, and all advertisements.

Trivia: In Richard Corliss' review of the film in Time magazine, the first letters of each paragraph spelled out "She is a he."