Factual error: At the cinematograph, Mina says to Dracula, "How can you call this science? Do you think Madame Curie would invite such comparisons? Really!" The movie takes place in year 1897, but Marie Curie's works weren't published until 1898. (00:49:30)

Factual error: When Virginia Madsen's character sees Candyman in the mental hospital, a male nurse calls for the injection of 1000 milliliters of sedative to calm her down. 1000 milliliters is equal to 1 liter, which certainly could not be injected, let alone as fast as it was.
Suggested correction: The nurse said 1000mg, which is true and accurate wording for medication.
First off, he actually said "bring me a thousand mills." Second, 1 gram equals 1 milliliter, one is liquid and one is solid.

Factual error: When the ship launches the missile to take out the satellite building in Hawaii they shoot a Harpoon missile. The Harpoon is only an anti-ship missile, and can't be used against land targets.

Factual error: Michael Douglas is lying on the couch watching the Jeffersons. Jeanne Tripplehorn arrives and they talk. In the background the theme song to the Jeffersons is playing, but it is the song from the beginning of the show rather than the closing theme.

Factual error: When the aircraft window is shot out, depressurization of the plane occurs shortly after the door of the plane blows off. When depressurization occurs, the pressure in the fuselage drops. Why would the door blow-out now when it held before with higher (normal) pressure?

Factual error: At approximately 27 minutes in, when they part company at the airport Douglas is wearing a Combat Infantryman Badge. The CIB was not created until Oct of '43, though the scene was taking place at the end of '41 - early '42. (00:27:05)

Factual error: When Marlene goes to the greenhouse and is killed by the falling glass, this would never have happened. It is a federal law that all greenhouses, skylights, and entry-ways are to be made of safety glass. The glass would have to have been made of either a Tempered glass, which breaks in a thousand pieces, like a car window, or Laminated glass, which cracks but does not fall apart, like a car windshield. Neither one of these glasses would have killed her. Surely, law abiding citizens like Clare and her Husband would have followed the zoning laws that came along with building their greenhouse.

Factual error: Just before Sean Miller shoots the bookseller he takes the safety catch off the Ak-47. However, he moves the catch two clicks down and then fires the weapon on automatic. This is incorrect. For most modern weapons the safety catch feature goes safe-semi-auto, however the AK safety catch goes safe-auto-semi.
Suggested correction: I watched this scene twice to verify - there is only one click.

Factual error: During the performance of the Marine Silent Drill Platoon at the very beginning of the movie, they are performing with Springfield 1903 Rifles, whereas the Marines perform with M1 Garands. The reason is that the Texas A&M Fish drill team was being used in the Marines' stead.

Factual error: When Whitney Houston turns up at the Oscars, it's night time. In reality, guests to the Academy Awards always arrive in the afternoon. (01:40:35)

Factual error: In the scene near the end where Bishop is chasing Q with the gun, Bishop gets off 6 shots from the .38 handgun, (the final shot hitting Q in the arm) although the snub-nosed .38 he's using only holds 5 shots.

Factual error: When Jack jumps out of the plane as a flying Elvis, he pulls both chutes to open. If both opened as they should have because he pulled both lines, the parachutes would've become twisted and he would've died on impact with the ground.

Factual error: When Gus brings Renee's body over to Jeff, notice her feet. Shes been dead for a while yet her skin is normal color as if she was alive.

Factual error: Ron Pearlman plays a state police captain named "Captain Soames". On his uniform he has both captain's bars on his shirt collar and sergeant's stripes on his upper shirt sleeves. He would not hold both ranks and would not keep the sergeant's stripes on if he had been promoted to captain. He also would have gone through the rank of lieutenant (one bar) prior to becoming a captain, so he would have had plenty of time to take the stripes off his uniform.

Factual error: When the narcotics officers raid Michael and Karen's home on suspicion of drug dealing at the residence, tipped by an informant as stated by one of the officers, that would not be probable cause to raid a home. They would have had to do extensive surveillance and spotted many people coming and going, or witnessed the dealing itself, to do a drug raid, even if it was actually set up by Pete.

Factual error: During the flashback of Mr. Pink escaping, he smashes a car window and the window shatters into several large pieces. Car windows are made of tempered glass, which shatters into hundreds of small pieces.

Factual error: In the scene where Redford's character enters through the secured entrance with the stolen key-card, it shows a printer printing the time he entered. Then after his walking and getting up to the top floor and trying to get past the voice verification system and having to do it twice, they show the same printer printing the time he passed that checkpoint, and it was only one minute later than the previous time. Even though seconds are not shown, all of these actions must surely have taken longer than 1 minute and 59 seconds.

Factual error: In the bathroom scene when Fishburne shoots and kill James Morris. He uses a revolver with a silencer. Silencers don't work on revolvers as it does not cover the ammo cylinder.