Plot hole: This is another movie where the cops are too dumb to go out by themselves. The woman who icepicks the first victim (we see) to death would have left enough forensic evidence on the scene to convict her ten times over - skin, hair, sweat, saliva, vaginal fluid, possibly blood, and they all contain DNA in abundance. She had vigorous, sweaty sex with this man and she didn't clean up afterwards (and she couldn't have done so thoroughly enough anyway) so she's left calling cards all over the place. The killer also handled the icepick (which the police take away in an evidence bag) with bare hands - her prints would be all over it. She might as well have left a signed confession, but they can't even identify her. Sharon Stone, for instance, leaves her fingerprints (on the chair and fixtures in the police station) and her saliva (containing epithelial skin cells which are an excellent source of DNA) on the cigarette butt she discards, also in the police station. She went there of her own accord and these artifacts are legally accessible by the police. It is obvious to anyone that the women who had sex with the victim killed him, and Catherine is most certainly a suspect. They don't have enough to charge her but they would if they did a simple series of tests on the dead man's body - and if she didn't do it, that would eliminate her as a suspect. They don't even check.

Plot hole: Delores is walking into the murder scene at the beginning of the movie just as Ernie is shot. Later, while she is being questioned, she tells the two detectives what the thugs said and did, yet, she was not eavesdropping or looking through the door.

Plot hole: When The Penguin is controlling the Batmobile, Batman punches through the floor to take off the transmitter. We still see a video feed of The Penguin. Why? Batman pulled off the transmitter, so there is no reason for there to still be a video feed.
Suggested correction: We see the Red Triangle gang spends a while fiddling with the Batmobile's workings before installing the transmitter. It's likely they made multiple 'modifications', thus the transmitter was for controlling the car's engine and steering, and the video feed was made possible by another, separate means.
Suggested correction: I concur with the other correction. There are multiple shots showing the gang working on the car and doing other things to it beyond just putting on the transmitter. (You see them playing with wires, moving parts around, etc.) Hacking into the computer/video-feed so Oswald could taunt Batman is likely among the other things they are doing. There's nothing into the movie that suggests taking off the transmitter should (or even could) interrupt the video-feed. The fact that Batman has to punch the screen to get rid of the Penguin's image is another point to the fact that the transmitter itself had nothing to do with the video feed.

Plot hole: Goldie Hawn's character obviously has lost a large piece of her spine when being shot, as seen through the hole in her body. So how does she keep her upper body up straight? When Meryl Streeps character broke her neck she couldn't keep her head up, so why can Hawn walk around as normal?

Plot hole: At the end of the movie, when Lonette comes across Frank's dead body, she asks Nails what happened. Nails tells Lonette that he was pushed off a building by Holly Wood. Lonette then asks if Holly was in doodle form when she killed Frank. Nail says she was. There would be no way for Nails to know either of these things as he was trapped in the fountain pen when Frank died and wasn't released until the Spike Of Power was removed.

Plot hole: The sheer distances Kevin covers on foot in one night are outrageous. Between 9pm and midnight he walks from Carnegie Hall to the children's hospital, to 95th street, back to the toy store carrying a large paint can and a large 2x4 (street signs here put it around 59th and 5th), back up to 95th, then all the way back to midtown, to Rockefeller Plaza. One way from W 95th street to around E 59th and 5th Ave. is at least an hour on foot for an adult, he does this 4 times between 9pm and midnight, once while carrying a 2x4 and paint can, once while being chased by 2 adults, and he still has time to set up a house full of traps.

Plot hole: When Daniel is in the air with the stolen plane from the Los Alamos air base Nat suddenly appears from behind. However, Nat had no chance to slip into the plane secretely as there was only one stepladder that had been in his mom's full view while she hugged Daniel good-bye. (01:25:30)

Plot hole: One alien egg is shown hanging from the wall at the start of this film, yet there's no way it can be there. The queen didn't take any with her from LV426 in 'Aliens', and if she did, she had no opportunity to place them on the Sulaco between exiting the dropship's landing gear, engaging Ripley and being killed.

Plot hole: When Wayne and Garth are trying to get Mr Big to hear Cassandra's band, they refer to when they spoke to the security guard earlier in the movie. They claim he said Mr Big would be in Chicago on Friday when he actually didn't - he never mentioned a specific day at all and just said he was travelling that way next week. (00:59:50 - 01:12:40)

Plot hole: During the scene in Paula's frontroom right after Spike walks in and confronts the astral Mr. Grubeck harassing Robin, he takes a fireplace tool and swings at Grubeck and it naturally goes right through him, to which Grubeck replies, "You can't touch me, but I can touch you." However, just a minute earlier before Spikes arrival, Grubeck had Robin pinned against Paula's refridgerator and Robin physically pushed Grubeck away from her.

Plot hole: Sidney's friends at the beginning act like if he made his fifth shot, he beats Billy. If Sidney had made the fifth shot, he would have merely tied Billy and they would've either gone to a playoff or just settled for a tie. Billy made all 5 shots and Sidney was shooting his fifth,so Billy couldn't lose, only tie.

Plot hole: There's no way Dr. Lynn Waldheim's coat would have fitted Carter.

Plot hole: When Rane and the other terrorists come out the bottom of the plane and start walking towards the fairgrounds, it is amazing how not one police officer or staff member of the airport notices that they came out from under the plane, or that they don't seem to be walking off the plane like the other passengers.

Plot hole: The rule is Each buries his own as stated in the first movie. So Gus wouldn't have came back to life because he was buried by Drew and Jeff.

Plot hole: Just after Snyder escapes the FBI sting, he is yelling at Brown about the FBI cop being Sam Douglas. If Snyder knew the guy standing outside the car is his former partner's son-in-law, why did he continue with the business transaction as though he had never before seen and/or met Sam Douglas?

Plot hole: Guns were prohibited in the town of Big Whiskey. But in the final scene, Little Bill tells the Greeley's patrons to take out their guns and shoot Will Munny once Munny fires the last round in his rifle. A patron is even seen holding a gun after Munny shoots Little Bill and three of the deputies. According to the town ordinance, only Little Bill and the Sheriff Deputies would have had guns in that saloon, and they would not have had to be told. (01:57:00)