Audio problem: After the donut delivery guy asks Carl why all the donuts are piling up, Carl responds with Lenny's voice.
Audio problem: When they are trying to escape Koopa and the little caveman speaks, then Luigi answers him, he has the Princess' voice.
Audio problem: In the opening title sequence towards the end, Link says "For you, Princess, anything." After he says this, he instantly opens his mouth again in a continued talking motion. But he is not saying anything. In a cartoon such as this, especially from this era, they wouldn't go through the trouble of animating just a breath after a speaking line, or even just a smile like that. It is extra animation for speaking that is not happening. (00:00:25)
Ranma o gekiai! Shintaisou no sukeban toujou - S1-E11
Audio problem: In the English dub, when Ryoga grabs Ranma by the shirt asking him "Who are you calling P-chan?" and the following answer by Ranma, are not whispered (as they should be, like they are in Japanese, since they wouldn't talk openly about it in front of Akane). (00:09:50)