Best crime movie quotes of 1989

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Road House picture

Red Webster: Don't ever marry an ugly woman. Just sucks the life right out of you.

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Harlem Nights picture

Richie Vento: Yeah, get me Hollycourt 55377. Hello, it's Daddy. Hey, darling. Put Mommy on the phone. Yeah, Barbara, it's Richie. Yeah lookit, I ain't never coming home no more. Take it easy.

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More The Punisher quotes
See No Evil, Hear No Evil picture

[Woman checks the back pockets of Wally's pants for the coin.]
Wally: I don't know what you're looking for, but it's a little to the right.

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More An Innocent Man quotes
Fletch Lives picture

Hamilton "Ham" Johnson: So tragic when this happens to somebody so young and healthy. Was she feeling all right last night?
Fletch: She felt great to me.

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Lethal Weapon 2 picture

Rudd: Now we DO have a serious diplomatic situation here, which I will be taking up with your state department first thing in the morning.
Riggs: Whoa, you got me quakin' in my boots, but I'm still gonna bring you down.
Rudd: My dear officer, you could not even give me a parking ticket!

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Black Rain picture

Nick Conklin: Now, you got a counterfeiting ring goin' on and you should talk to your partner before you go to the suits. So fuck you very much.

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Dead Bang picture

Jerry Beck: I'm telling you something's going on here. I'm telling you something big is happening here, and all that grabs you is my language? What the fuck is the matter with you?

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Tango & Cash picture

Yves Perret: Ah, the infamous Cash and Tango. Dishonored. Imprisoned. Such a shameful fall from glory.
Ray Tango: And who are you?
Yves Perret: Just think of me as somebody who doesn't like you very much.

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K-9 (1989)

K-9 picture

Dooley: Alright, let's get one thing straight: The woman is mine! Now we're both members of the animal kingdom. You know that and I know that. And we both know that this thing is really primal. So if you think you're such a badass you just try that one more time and you're gonna end up in a pet cemetary! You remember the movie Old Yeller? You remember when they shot him in the end? I didn't cry! Now come on.

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Next of Kin picture

John Isabella: I'm truly sorry about your brother. It's too bad.
Truman Gates: Oh no sir. You ain't seen bad yet, but its coming.

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The Killer picture

Joe (Cantonese) /Jeffrey (English): Are you always so determined?
Lee: Yes, it's my style.
Joe (Cantonese) /Jeffrey (English): Mine too.

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Drugstore Cowboy picture

Rick: Jesus, Bob, you never told us anything about not mentioning dogs.
Bob: The reason nobody mentioned dogs, Rick, is that to mention the dog would have been a hex in itself.
Rick: All right, well, now we are on the subject, are there an other stupid things we aren't supposed to mention that will affect our future?

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Lock Up picture

Captain Meissner: Convict... two things. One - I am Meissner. Two - Never fuck with Meissner. Inside.

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Her Alibi picture

Nina: This is how we drive in Romania.

More Her Alibi quotes
Licence to Kill picture

Felix Leiter: Where's my wife?
Dario: Don't worry. We gave her a nice Honeymooooon.

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More Sea of Love quotes
Police Academy 6: City Under Siege picture

Mayor: Oh, crapola.

More Police Academy 6: City Under Siege quotes

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