Corrected entry: Near the beginning there is a scene where they are launching a submersible with Lindsey and the seal team in it. Lindsey waits until the sub is dangling over the water then pulls a lever and the sub drops about 10 feet into the water with a big splash. Several problems: 1) Those subs are hugely expensive. They put them in the water very gently. 2) Those subs are so expensive that they don't risk having a release mechanism as depicted. They use a standard screw shackle to ring and would have to have a swimmer let them go. 3) Due to the buoyancy of the sub, falling that far to the water would give all passengers back injuries due to the sudden deceleration when the sub hits the water.

Corrected entry: When the jewel is converted into the phone booth about 10 minutes in, there is a slight inconsistency between shots. The phone booth start to take shape from the crystal. The next shot with Rufus in his glasses, if you look closely, the phone booth is fully formed in the reflection, as you can see the word "Phone" at the top of the booth. In the next shot, the phone booth still isn't complete.
Correction: This was done on purpose. His glasses are reflecting a few seconds into the future. This happens one other time in the movie as well.

Corrected entry: When Cash and Tango fight everyone in the prison, all of a sudden Cash is only fighting one person, and there is nobody around, except for a few arms visible from the other side of some bars. Cash takes a bat from that guy and uses it on two guys, but 5 seconds later he doesn't have the bat anymore and is surrounded by bad guys and "gives up." (00:42:00)

Corrected entry: When Molly is checking out her bigger "assets" in the bathroom the door bell rings and she grabs Mikey in his baby seat to go answer the door. The shot changes and she's seen walking directly to the door and Mikey is now on the kitchen table.
Correction: She just placed him quickly on the table.

Corrected entry: Throughout, Richard, who is supposed to be young, single and living with his parents, can be seen wearing a wedding band.
Correction: This could have simply been a character choice, but it has nothing to do with a wedding band. At the time, Jonathan Silverman (the actor who plays Richard) was not married.

Corrected entry: The scene where Belushi pretends to be blind in the posh restaurant/bar & Jerry Lee starts to drink his Iced Tea through a straw, you can hear the drink being consumed, but the level of liquid does not change in the glass.
Correction: This, as well as many other scenes with the dog, were done deliberatly as a joke. Like many times you hear dog sounds but the dog doesn't act like the sounds.

Corrected entry: When Turner crashes he car into the wall, his attacker goes through the windscreen, and the windscreen explodes into pieces. This is impossible as windscreens are laminated.
Correction: A windscreen will shatter like that if a body flies through it.

Corrected entry: In the scene right after Tong Po paralyzes Eric, Tong Po is shown tearing the championship belt in half. Minutes later, when Eric is being removed from the ring on the stretcher, Van Damme is shown grabbing for the championship belt, which now appears to be intact.
Correction: I've just watched it on a 52in plasma screen, and the belt is in 2 parts from when Tong Po tears it in half and onwards.

Corrected entry: When Shelley Long and the Wilderness Troop girls are doing their community service with the elderly, the whole troop shows the elderly how to do the "Freddy" dance. One elderly lady in a wheelchair gets pushed down the hill, and there is a wire that is very visible attached to her wheelchair so they can control how fast the lady is going down the hill.
Correction: The wire you see is the volleyball net in the background. It is not connected to the wheelchair. When the volleyball net falls to the ground you can follow the "wire's" fall to the ground too.

Corrected entry: The first time you see Gromit making a house of cards, there are only three triangles [not including the ones with the point facing down], later, when it shows the house of cards a second time [and Gromit has already finished the second level], the first level now has four triangles and the second layer has three.
Correction: When building a 'house of cards', you can build out as well as up. Remember time has passed, and Grommit has carried on building, just as the team at Aardman, did when creating the scene [and actually building the 'house of cards'].

Corrected entry: When the gangsters are trying to kill Jeff, Inspector Lee and the singer at Sydney's house, the main assassin is seemingly killed in a car crash. He reappears later in the film's finale.
Correction: Your own statement proves this is not an error or plot hole. "Seemingly" means it just seems like he was killed, when he wasn't.

Corrected entry: Within the first 10 minutes of the movie, Brian grabs his friend Yabo's skateboard and throws it behind himself, after Yabo wipe's out and hits his head in a pool. Seconds later the board is lying next to where Yabo fell.
Correction: Brian throws his own deck when he goes to see Yabbo. Yabbo's board is still rolling around after Brian put his own board behind him.

Corrected entry: When the the daughter walks out to go and live with her boyfriend (Keanu Reeves), the mother slams the door, looks out of the window at her daughter, and then goes running out of an OPEN door.
Correction: Although you don't see her open the door (it's around a corner), you hear it open and see the patch of light on the floor from the outside as she opens it.

Corrected entry: Al Pacino enters Mackey's apartment, leaving the door wide open on the way to sprawling on the bed. When the doorbell rings, he goes back to the door and it is closed (he opens it for the lady with the balloons).
Correction: In that scene, as Pacino is standing near the door staring out the window after having just entered the apartment, you hear the door close behind him.

Corrected entry: At the end of the film, Sheriff Meeker has captured Michael and we see a shot of him sitting in his jail cell, with his mask still on. Even putting aside suspension of disbelief that this is a horror film, it almost goes with certainty that no-one, least of all Michael, would be allowed to be processed in a jail, and then be in a cell, wearing his patented mask - all of that stuff would have been confiscated. Michael of all people would have never been given a special privilege like that, even if his face was deformed.
Correction: Jamie would have told them what happened when she tried to touch him. They wouldn't want to risk more lives over a mask.
Correction: I guess you just have to assume they didn't get around to it yet, because yes it's no way he would be allowed to keep on that mask, no matter how dangerous he was.

Corrected entry: When Dorinda comes to see Pete off for the last time, she cycles up to his aircraft and climbs up the co-pilot's ladder to have her deep-and-meaningful. Trouble is, the ladder would have been retracted for takeoff - obviously. There was no way for the pilot to put the ladder down from the cockpit on the B26 'Marauder' Pete is flying, and when Dorinda gets to the side of his aircraft he is still getting out of the pilot's seat anyway.
Correction: Pete is NOT flying a B-26 Marauder.The aircraft in question is the A-26 Invader built by Douglas.

Corrected entry: When Jason breaks through the glass trying to get to Rennie it is obvious that the glass is just plastic. It is most noticeable when Jason is moving his head, the glass bends.
Correction: The glass is real, the actress has even stated that it almost punctured her eye.

Corrected entry: After everyone leaves from visiting the Klopecks, the guys are talking back at Ray's house. Ray says that he found Walter's wig after the dog came up from the basement. But in that scene, you can see Ray tucking the wig into his shorts before the dog even appears.
Correction: Since he dropped his tea on his shorts, he holds them so they wouldn't touch his thigh, not putting Walter's hair piece in under his shorts. You can see that he holds on to his shorts from the moment he drops his tea.

Corrected entry: When Hightower approaches the window of the bad guy in the poisonous gas room, there is nothing in front of the window. He then smashes it, lifts up Sgt Lassard to get him through the window, and then you can see Hightower stepping onto something out of shot so that he can get to the window.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Stallone is playing football in the jail yard, he gets hit in the stomach and his cap flies off; they cut away for a second and it's back on again.
Correction: Everytime Leone's hat comes off during the game the cut aways are always several seconds long which gives him plenty of time to put the hat back on.
Correction: They're on an emergency rescue mission and don't have time to be delicate with the equipment. Also, everyone in the sub is shown being thrown around when the sub hits the water. Hence the angry looks toward Lindsey.