Trivia: The model tree falling over after Beetlejuice kicks it was never supposed to happen. This caused Michael Keaton to ad-lib the "nice fucking model" line. Tim Burton enjoyed it so much he kept it in the film.

Trivia: When the taxi Jessica and Eddie are in hits the lamppost, she spins around and her dress shifts position. For a couple of frames on the laserdisc version her underwear vanishes, or at least it appears to. Opinion is divided as to whether it's a deliberate move by the animators or just an error in colouring. (https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/who-stripped-jessica-rabbit/). (00:18:15)

Trivia: Check out the nurse that wakes Kristen up at the school infirmary. It is Robert Englund, out of his Freddy make-up. After Kristen wakes up, it is a different person.

Trivia: When Frank throws water on a waiter he thought was on fire, he apologizes and claims he thought the waiter was Richard Pryor. This is a reference to the time Richard Pryor, while doing cocaine, set himself on fire and ran down a busy street in L.A.

Trivia: The scenes from the amusment park in the movie were filmed at Playland, in Rye, NY.

Trivia: Pat Roach - General Kael - intended to do the stunts by himself, but there was one thing that prevented this: "Insurance - they wouldn't let me." So horsemaster Greg Powell did the stunts for him.

Trivia: The horn sound that is continually made by Leviathan is Morse code for "God".

Trivia: Comedian Paul Rudd had a running gag for many years where, whenever he'd appear on Conan O'Brien's late-night talk show, he'd set up a clip for a film he was promoting... and then instead show the infamous clip from "Mac and Me" in which Eric falls over a cliff in his wheelchair, and the alien Mac pops up in the foreground. The gag ended up going on for 17 years.

Trivia: Early in the film, as the Salt and Son theatrical troupe performs their stage version of Munchausen's adventures, the Baron is eaten by a giant fish; two mermaids immediately enter stage-left and sing a mournful ditty modestly accompanied by the pit orchestra: "What will become of the Baron? Surely this time there is no escape!" To those with sharp ears, this ditty is the same tune as the soaring, symphonic Baron Munchausen theme music featured throughout the movie.

Trivia: The demon effects were done by Carlo Rambaldi, who is arguably most famous for creating the design of the benevolent titular character from Steven Spielberg's "E.T."