Revealing mistake: Riggs handcuffs himself to the depressed businessman. They jump off the building but they're not handcuffed to each other anymore. They used plastic cuffs which could separate during the stunt in case anything went wrong. They break just as they jump, so they grab each other's hands to stay in contact. After they land the cuffs are attached again. (00:31:00)

Revealing mistake: As the Predator tends to his wounded leg, one of his claws can be seen bending as if made of rubber.

Revealing mistake: When Inigo and Westley are duelling, they are making athletic jumps. One does it after the other and when they land you can see the mat wrinkle under the "dirt" on the ground.

Revealing mistake: During the scene on the banana boat, the woman who is attacked by the shark quite deliberately shoves her leg into the fake shark's mouth as it missed her when it came up out of the water.

Revealing mistake: In the shot where Dick Jones is falling from the top of the OCP building, both of his arms appear to be about a foot longer than they should be. (01:36:30)

Revealing mistake: Look closely at the footage when the vampires are entering the cave. Later when they are exiting the cave, the waves are flowing backwards. The same footage has been reversed. (01:17:05)

Revealing mistake: When the Marines are jogging through the training camp complex, singing "I don't know but I've been told..." you can see the British road junction markings on the tarmac underneath them. There is little evidence to suggest that there was any attempt to disguise or remove them.

Revealing mistake: When Kristen is running through the hallway with the girl in her arms you see that it is a doll. (00:07:00)

Revealing mistake: As Glenn Close is being choked, Michael Douglas is holding her throat very loosely. (01:42:20)

Revealing mistake: When the eye is flying toward Bobby Jo, you can see the rig holding the eye as it flies and the wire when it enters her mouth. (00:41:45)

Revealing mistake: Just before Walter throws Lisa through the window, you can tell that Lisa is a stuntman wearing a wig.

Revealing mistake: When they are on the bridge between USA and Canada one of Capone's men is shot (in the breast) by the rail of the bridge. Seen from outside the bridge you can clearly see that the stuntman is not falling, but he is jumping off the bridge.

Revealing mistake: During the car chase scene the cops shoot out the rear window of the convicts car, it is obvious that someone smashes the window with a hammer or crowbar from inside the car.(view in slow motion).

Revealing mistake: When Fireball takes off for the first time, if you look way above him at the top of the tower block behind him, you can see the shadow cast by the rig that is used to lift him up.

Revealing mistake: Barbara Streisand (institutionalized) is brought in wearing a hospital gown and house coat to meet with her lawyer Richard Dreyfuss for the first time. She props her feet up on the table and spreads her legs for Dreyfuss to get him to react (underwear-less). As the angle changes and Streisand stands up, you can see her panty-line through her house coat.

Revealing mistake: End of the movie big fight sequence between Madame Yeoung/Sue [Yukari Ôshima] and Angel 2 [Moon Lee] you can see the cable used to pull Madame Yeoung/Sue backwards after receiving a somersault kick to the chest.

Revealing mistake: At the end of the movie after Necros falls from the plane the camera cuts back to Bond, as he tries to struggle his way out of the nest. If you look closely under the nest you can see Necros at the start of his fall again. Also notice Necros is replaced by a dummy.

Revealing mistake: At the end of the movie, the trio arrive at the oil fields, crouch behind the rear of a car and Axel picks up some red dirt, explaining that it's the same as what was on Bogomil's shoes, and the horse. It is obvious that the crew just spread a small area of red dirt around for the shot. The majority of the area is regular brown dirt.

Revealing mistake: When Donna destroys the helicopter, the cable holding it is visible.

Revealing mistake: The homeless man attacks Kathleen and she screams. But it isn't until 5 minutes later that Sanger comes to her rescue, when he only left moments ago.
Suggested correction: She doesn't put her foot in its mouth. She instinctively tries to kick it or she's just unlucky with where she moves her foot.
She put her leg in the shark's mouth. It's too obvious even without slow motion.