Revealing mistake: The Eternia out-door scenes depicting the conquest of the Castle Grayskull area are actually one long shot subdivided into smaller parts. Look at the captured Eternian soldiers marched to the castle; they cover very little distance between the shots.

Revealing mistake: Just before Walter throws Lisa through the window, you can tell that Lisa is a stuntman wearing a wig.

Revealing mistake: When they are on the bridge between USA and Canada one of Capone's men is shot (in the breast) by the rail of the bridge. Seen from outside the bridge you can clearly see that the stuntman is not falling, but he is jumping off the bridge.

Revealing mistake: When Sweet Chuck is sitting on a bench in the gym reading a paper, the big heavy comes down and sits next to him. Sweet Chuck goes flying up in the air a second before the big guy sits down.

Revealing mistake: As Hi is racing after the baby, a close-up of his tired face driving the brown Caprice shows the gear selector is in "Park".

Revealing mistake: The camera films Tony's P.O.V as he enters the sports club to kill Peter and Susie. As the camera nears some door, it goes out of focus, and then the picture refocuses.

Revealing mistake: During the car chase scene the cops shoot out the rear window of the convicts car, it is obvious that someone smashes the window with a hammer or crowbar from inside the car.(view in slow motion).

Revealing mistake: When Jim is riding the bicycle through the empty hospital, the "Frigidaires" begin falling through the roof. One bursts open, dropping its contents onto the floor. Something from inside must have landed on the camera because you can see it jerk suddenly.

Revealing mistake: There are no keys in the ignition when Mike is driving the white truck.

Revealing mistake: At the New Years Eve Party, Cindy gets drunk and starts looking for a bedroom to lay down in. As she opens bedroom doors, she interrupts couples making out. When she interrupts one couple there is a shoe thrown at the door, supposedly from inside the room. If you look closely you can see that the shoe is actually thrown from behind Cindy's head outside the bedroom door.

Revealing mistake: When Derek falls and is rolling down the cliff, it is a very clear dummy. It's legs and arms are in a stiff seated position. (00:23:15)

Revealing mistake: When Shoop first meets his students, he asks the pregnant girl why her grades went from A's to C's, and she stands up to reveal that she's pregnant. When she does, she pats her tummy once and it makes a loud, hollow sound like someone smacking a basketball.

Revealing mistake: When Fireball takes off for the first time, if you look way above him at the top of the tower block behind him, you can see the shadow cast by the rig that is used to lift him up.

Revealing mistake: After Cherry has malfunctioned, in various shots, such as when she inanimately lies in bed with Sam, you can see her breathing and blinking. She is supposed to be an inanimate robot. (00:13:05)

Revealing mistake: Barbara Streisand (institutionalized) is brought in wearing a hospital gown and house coat to meet with her lawyer Richard Dreyfuss for the first time. She props her feet up on the table and spreads her legs for Dreyfuss to get him to react (underwear-less). As the angle changes and Streisand stands up, you can see her panty-line through her house coat.

Revealing mistake: When Ali Gator and Windy Winston are coming back from the barfight riding the atv's, Ali scratches his head and you can see where the green glove ends and the actors real skin is supposed to be, under the shirt.

Revealing mistake: As Sierge shoots the Tsjude behind Aigin, a protective pad beneath the Tsjude's clothes is visible catching the arrow. (00:47:30)

Revealing mistake: Toward the end, after Ricky decapitates the old Mother Superior, a young nun assumes she is alive and taps her shoulder. Mother Superior's head falls off and to the floor. There is no blood whatsoever. The old woman had just been decapitated moments earlier, and there isn't even a drop of blood, not even on the white part of her nun outfit at the neck.

Revealing mistake: After the barber is shot dead by Giuliano and Aspanu has fixed the betrayer note on his shirt the corpse takes a rather deep breath. (01:20:00)

Revealing mistake: End of the movie big fight sequence between Madame Yeoung/Sue [Yukari Ôshima] and Angel 2 [Moon Lee] you can see the cable used to pull Madame Yeoung/Sue backwards after receiving a somersault kick to the chest.