Other mistake: After they take off from California, Kirk gives a heading to Alaska. He then tells Sulu "full impulse power", and Sulu says "aye, ETA 12 minutes." Full impulse is 1/4 the speed of light. No way they would use speeds like that to go a few thousand miles.

Other mistake: In the scene where Cameron is sinking in the pool you can clearly see some kind of weight belt or something around his waist, which isn't there when he is out of the pool.

Other mistake: After his wife has a party at their house, Thorton Melon (Dangerfield) decides to have a swim in his pool. The camera shows Melon as he is about to dive into the pool from the edge. The camera cuts away and a much "thinner" Melon is seen doing a flip into the water. Watch carefully as the "thinner" man makes his dive. You can clearly see his hairpiece fly off the top of his head.

Other mistake: During the final showdown with El Guapo, three horsemen ride towards some fake Amigos and fall into a concealed ditch, throwing up their arms and falling off their horses. Unfortunately, they throw up their arms just before the horses even start to fall.

Other mistake: The tree used to hold up Number 2 is very thin and weak looking, yet it supposed to be supporting a 400lb robot. Strong tree. (01:13:25)

Other mistake: When Nick and Sue go to the outback with Wally they go by car then by boat (the only way to get to where Mick was bitten, apparently). Once they are there the poachers from the pub appear on their jeeps to hunt kangaroos. So there was a direct way by car to the spot.

Other mistake: Leatherface attacks the Mercedes. The pick up is driving backwards, the Mercedes forwards. The Mercedes should easily be able to outpace the pickup.

Other mistake: There is a scene at the beginning of the movie where the two main male leads are walking near a frat house having a party. The shot with the error starts on a frat banner and then pans down and across to the female lead (Jill Whitlow) and stops with her in the center of the screen. At this point, her legs are transparent.

Other mistake: In the scene where Terry is at the computer, and Jim Belushi's character surprises her while pretending to be a Sperry repairman, they keep turning the monitor on and off. But the last time you hear a beep, which is supposed to be Terry turning off the monitor, her hand is nowhere near where the button would be. They obviously added the sound effect later.

Other mistake: The computer 'keyboard' in the control room is in fact a Commodore 64 Home Computer.

Other mistake: In the scene where Howard falls asleep in Beverly's apartment window and his wallet falls out, she takes out the money. The city on the bill says Washington DC instead of Marshington DC. (00:19:00)

Other mistake: When the family is leaving and the door is shut you see the floor lock (common in older homes) on the door engage. When Brad goes back in through the window you see him run down the stairs. He gets to the door and unlocks 2 locks on the upper part of the door but not the floor lock.

Other mistake: After Jack climbs up the ladder and through the floor he then runs right to the locked door, all this takes about ten seconds. Somehow in those few seconds Wang, Gracie, and the rest of the girls have all made it up the same ladder and coming around the corner when he gives him the signal to come to the door when there's no way they couldn't have all done it that quickly.

Other mistake: Tuba is back home after Rambo completely ruined the dinner at his fiancée's. During the scene, the clock on the wall has all hands still, including the seconds. (01:11:00)

Other mistake: When Turnip runs off with a horse suppository up his hindquarters, the policemen shoot at him being all in a straight line with each other - in fact it really looks like they should be shooting at each other if those guns were real. (01:05:55)

Other mistake: In the scene following the piano debacle Paul Reiser's image is reversed so his name tag is on the wrong side and backwards.

Other mistake: Walter Paisley is cleaning the floor and encounters the first robot. The whole reason the robots are patrolling at this point is that the shopping centre is supposedly closed to customers, as it is nighttime. However in this scene you can see quite a few people shopping on the upper tier of the mall above Paisley.

Other mistake: During the fight on the dam between von Ragnar and Lance, the protective cover of von Ragnar's deadly middle finger nail is never seen until the closeup shot of von Ragnar removing it.