Revealing mistake: When all the kids are in the diner just before Chunk knocks over the water jug, Mikey starts to bang on the ground with a bar. When Brand stops him, Mikey calls him by his real name Josh. This is verified on the DVD by Sean Astin himself, in the commentary. (00:40:40)

Revealing mistake: When Charley stabs Dandridge in the hand with his pencil, he stabs the hand holding him by the neck. The depth of the wound on Dandridge's hand reveals that the pencil should have stabbed Charlie in his neck and given him a severe wound, if not kill him.

Revealing mistake: When the cook's body is lowered to the kitchen floor, you can see her move her outstretched arm closer to her head.

Revealing mistake: When Matrix hits the button to blow up the village, you can see that there are only cardboard stand-ups of men next to the buildings blowing up. Also, for some reason the top of the watch-tower also blows up even though Matrix never put a bomb there. (01:11:00)

Revealing mistake: Oprah Winfrey's character is supposed to be knocked unconscious, but as she is lying on the ground, the wind blows her skirt up and she reaches down, pushing her dress back down. (00:06:55)

Revealing mistake: After Pola Ivanova sneaks out of the baths, she climbs into the car with General Gogol, who can be seen to be a double and not Walter Gotell. (01:07:20)

Revealing mistake: 1955 skateboard chase scene around town square. Note in this scene a metal device has been added between the kicktail and the back truck of the skateboard to create the sparks, then disappears and reappears throughout the whole chase scene. (01:03:40)

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Cobb's mean attack Emmitt, Mal shoots one of the men in the hand. The shot pauses long enough to show that hand is quite a cheap, plastic-looking fake prop hand.

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Sonja's sister is escaping from the temple she is shot with an arrow whilst on an aerial slide. Her body hangs limply and is met at the end of the slide by Kalidor. However, the limp body is a stunt *man* in drag.

Revealing mistake: After the cowboys have terrorized the village at the beginning, the girl finds her dead dog and starts crying, when she picks it up it's painfully obvious it's a stuffed toy.

Revealing mistake: When the pancakes are sticking to the ceiling, you can see that when one hits the ceiling, it jumps. The pancakes were actually being dropped on the floor with an upside down shot. (00:05:45)

Revealing mistake: In one scene, when Jack is in the dungeon talking to the fairy, you can clearly see that the "fairy" is nothing more than a light on a thin piece of wire. The wire can be seen quite clearly for two shots.

Revealing mistake: When Gary and Wyatt come home and see Chet turned into a pile of poo, Chet shoots his tongue from his mouth and catches a fly. Look closely, the tongue flies completely out of his mouth and is attached to a metal spring. (01:24:55)

Revealing mistake: When Anita lies dead on the ground with her throat slit you can see her pulse in her neck. (00:53:05)

Revealing mistake: Take a good look at the lower right corner during the 'Hearts on Fire' training sequence at a barn in Russia. Rocky does a few leaning sit-ups; at that moment the cow in the lower right corner moves backwards. When you look closely you'll see it moves back too quickly and anatomically incorrectly, thus revealing it's a fake head attached to wheels or something. (00:57:45)

Revealing mistake: During the scene when Audrey is having a nightmare about eating too much while on vacation, the nightmare ends with her inflating like a balloon from all the food. Her blouse splits open and down the middle, where the buttons have broken, the dark balloon used for the effect is visible. (00:16:35)

Revealing mistake: When Jesse is cleaning out his room, he puts a tape into his tape player, and presses a button down on the top of it. But halfway though the scene of him packing his things away, you can clearly see the button is no longer pressed down, yet the tape still plays. (00:18:10 - 00:19:00)

Revealing mistake: In a scene towards the end, we see a crowd of Vietnamese on a riverbank firing their machine guns into the trees...one soldier clearly walks directly in front of another soldier who continues firing away without hitting him.

Revealing mistake: When Lowry first arrives at Buttle's flat to return the cheque, he hears a cough and turns to see a man smoking a cigarette, half hidden by a column. When he blows a cloud of smoke it is easy to see that it comes from a tube next to his mouth. He isn't even exhaling at the time.

Revealing mistake: When Rhodes is pointing his gun at Steele, telling him to shoot Sarah, there's no bullet in the chamber of his gun.