Factual error: The movie is set in 1974. The Sony walkman was introduced in 1979, yet Sonny is seen listening to one.

Factual error: After the match with Thunderlips the newspaper says it was Wednesday, May 15 1982, but that day was a Saturday.

Factual error: Pretty much everything that the ferrets do, Kodo and Podo, ferrets would NEVER do. Ferrets don't sound like that. Ferrets can't jump that high and that far (when the one attacked minister Zed).

Factual error: Jason picks up a red hot poker from the fireplace and it sizzles. Fire pokers only sizzle if they touch something. (01:08:56)

Factual error: Unbelievable that for 30 years no one has pointed out that in every shot with the moon, except when the moon is full, the crescent is pointing the wrong direction. In the evening (ordering pizza), in the Northern Hemisphere (California), a crescent moon will always be pointing down to your right (the bright side will be on the lower right). The only time it could point the way it does in these scenes is in the wee hours of the morning, at 4 or 5 a.m. and looking to the East. Spielberg didn't even fix it in the re-release.
Suggested correction: Actually the problem with moon scenes that we see a crescending moonphase (less than a quarter) when Elliott first meet E.T. After that in a couple of days there is a full moon which could be reached in about 16-17 days from that phase which we saw first. It would be also about 11 days if the first shot was mirrored and actually was an increasing moonphase. But the whole story is about 6 days long. So a full moon couldn't be reached from a quarter of moon.

Factual error: At the beginning all the children sleep in the same room on Christmas night. On the wall in the room, next to the door, hangs a string with five different kinds of small cross flags, including the Swedish and Norwegian flags, which are correct for the era, but also a white flag with a blue cross on the string, even though this is almost a decade before Finland would declare independence.

Factual error: This movie was set in 1954, but in numerous street scenes more modern "cobrahead" streetlight fixtures are seen. That type of streetlight was first introduced in 1957.

Factual error: When Alan gets the message that his security had been suspended at Encom, the computer gives a Date/Time stamp of Sept 22, 18:32:21 PM (6:32 PM) But at the time, it is shown to be pitch dark outside. Isn't 6:32 PM early to be completely dark outside in mid September (keeping in mind that no matter how far east one is, it can never be full dark outside at that time, at that period of the year). Also, why would the Time stamp have "PM" in it when it is using the 24-hour clock? (00:10:40)

Factual error: During the climax of the film, coffins from the cemetery below rise out of the ground. Only problem: they're rising vertically. Coffins are laid horizontally.

Factual error: When Conan cuts off Thulsa Doom's head, and throws it over the parapet, it hits the stairs below and rolls a little way down. Not only are there absolutely no marks left on the stairs (there should at least be a small amount of blood), it sounds like something plastic is rolling down there.

Factual error: The new interns start their residency with a rollicking New Year's entrance of funny hats and noise makers. Internships always start in the July after medical school graduation, not in January.

Factual error: When Franklin gets thrown out of the window his arms are tied to his side. While falling his arms are out as if flying, but when he hits the basketball hoop they are tied by his side again.