Jessica Harrison: If I'd wanted your help, mate, I would've asked for it.
Billy Kwan: What then must we do? We must give with love to whoever God has placed in our path.
Ron Carlisle: Take, Tootsie.
Dorothy Michaels: Ron? I have a name it's Dorothy. It's not Tootsie or Toots or Sweetie or Honey or Doll.
Ron Carlisle: Oh, Christ.
Dorothy Michaels: No, just Dorothy. Alan's always Alan, Tom's always Tom and John's always John. I have a name too. It's Dorothy, capital D-O-R-O-T-H-Y.
Paul Gallier: Long ago, our ancestors sacrificed their children to the leopards. The souls of the children grew inside the leopards, until the leopards became human. We were gods then.
Paul Gallier: We are a incestuous race. We can only make love with our own, otherwise we transform. And before we can become human again, we must kill.
Paul Gallier: Welcome home.
Jeff Spicoli: Those guys are fags.
Stingo: I was twenty two, and a virgin, and was clasping in my arms at last the goddess of my unending fantasies. My lust was inexhaustible. Sophie's lust was both a plunge into carnal oblivion, and a flight from memory and grief. More than that, I now see it was a frantic attempt to beat back death.
Jenny Fields: You know, everybody dies. My parents died. Your father died. Everybody dies. I'm going to die too. So will you. The thing is, to have a life before we die. It can be a real adventure having a life.
Rupert Pupkin: Why not me? Why not? A guy can get anything he wants as long as he pays the price. What's wrong with that? Stranger things have happened.
Gary Mark Gilmore: Go down on me, partner... I need it.
Nicole Baker: Don't call me partner.
Gary Mark Gilmore: No, darlin'... I love it... I love it.
Nicole Baker: Yeah, you and seven other motherfuckers.