Trivia: When the movie was first shown in theaters, the marquee read, "From the director of Animal House...A Different Kind of Animal." This lead many movie patrons to believe that it was another comedy film. People ran out of theaters in terror when they realised it was a horror movie.

Trivia: While giving a lecture at the Hollywood Scriptwriting Institute, director Joe Dante trash talked the novel "The Howling" on which the movie is based. One person in the audience raised his hand and asked, "So, you don't like the book, huh?" with Joe stating, "No, not really." The man responded that he was the one who wrote the novel. To Joe's surprise, the man in the audience was Gray Brandner, the author of "The Howling."

Trivia: When a Nazi falls from the back of the truck carrying the Ark, a "Wilhelm scream" can be heard. (01:24:00)

Trivia: The wonderful soundtrack to this movie topped the US Billboard charts and won the academy award too.

Trivia: Part of the reason Alice (the survivor of the first film) is only on screen during the first scene and is killed off early is because the actress portraying her (Adrienne King) was dealing with a real-life stalker and was trying to limit her acting appearances.

Trivia: When they are preparing and listening to the tape you can see a bit of smoke in the air. There had been an extended scene where they had been smoking pot and joking around. However, they used real pot when filming and much of what was shot ended up being unusable as a result. This is according to Bruce Campbell's Commentary to the DVD.

Trivia: During the Roman Empire, the woman says walk this way, and they walk like she did. This joke was featured in Young Frankenstein, as well.

Trivia: Because of Carole Bouquet's sinus problems, the close-up underwater shots of Bond and Melina were shot in an entirely dry studio and not underwater. They were shot at a higher frame rate with wind machines. Derek Meddings, the special effects man, added the bubbles in afterwards.

Trivia: Jimmy didn't die even though it never shows him after he faints on the steering wheel in the car with Lori. He simply passed out. The television cut shows him alive in the ambulance at the end, but for some reason in the theatrical version, they left it out for us to 'wonder'.

Trivia: When Belushi and Ackroyd are sitting at the table having coffee, Earl throws his coffee at Ackroyd but if you play it in slow motion, you can see Ackroyd duck the coffee before Belushi actually throws it.

Trivia: All the actors were fluent in English and dubbed themselves in the English version.

Trivia: Dudley Moore received his only Academy Award nomination for his role as Arthur Bach in this movie.

Trivia: When Dom gets back in the airplane after getting beer, Burt is discussing cars with him to use in the race. He says they could use a black Trans-Am. Then he says that it's been done before. It has. Remember that movie called Smokey and the Bandit?

Trivia: Australian playwright David Williamson makes a cameo as the tall player in the opposing team in the football match held near the Pyramids in Egypt.

Trivia: In Greek mythology, the winged stallion Pegasus was actually spawned in the moment when Medusa was killed by Perseus; he sprang out of her severed neck.

Trivia: Teddy Lewis tells Ned that "Matty" had him show her how to rig up a explosive with a delay to a door. So in theory Matty could have opened the door and escaped unscathed.