Trivia: When the movie was first shown in theaters, the marquee read, "From the director of Animal House...A Different Kind of Animal." This lead many movie patrons to believe that it was another comedy film. People ran out of theaters in terror when they realised it was a horror movie.

Trivia: During the Roman Empire, the woman says walk this way, and they walk like she did. This joke was featured in Young Frankenstein, as well.

Trivia: When Belushi and Ackroyd are sitting at the table having coffee, Earl throws his coffee at Ackroyd but if you play it in slow motion, you can see Ackroyd duck the coffee before Belushi actually throws it.

Trivia: Dudley Moore received his only Academy Award nomination for his role as Arthur Bach in this movie.

Trivia: When Dom gets back in the airplane after getting beer, Burt is discussing cars with him to use in the race. He says they could use a black Trans-Am. Then he says that it's been done before. It has. Remember that movie called Smokey and the Bandit?

Trivia: The "kitchen utensil" scene between Bill Murray and PJ Soles was completely improvised.

Trivia: Throughout the film there are several references to a character named Horseflesh, (such as "Horseflesh would never get us into this mess"). Despite the character being credited at the end of the movie he's never properly shown onscreen. There's a paragraph devoted to him in the published "Time Bandits" screenplay: "The trouble is quite frankly that if Horseflesh had been in it he would have made seven dwarves, and we'd have libel suits from Disney and all sorts of things. But we liked the name, so he remains the mystery dwarf." According to the interview with Michael Palin and Terry Gilliam on the extras DVD (produced in 2002), Terry Gilliam states that Horseflesh is the dwarf seen with Evil, though it isn't mentioned who he is; in the original script he had quite a few lines, but they were cut, eg "The map! Evil one, the very map I promised you, is yours" (from script excerpt shown on DVD).

Trivia: When Betty and Ollie are talking in their office (and Ralph and Macy come in), look carefully at the table all the way to the left. There's an issue of Time Magazine that says "Cult Classics," with a picture of The Rocky Horror Picture Show's famous red lips. (That film was the predecessor to Shock Treatment).

Trivia: John Waters' first film to receive an R-rating. All of his prior films were either released unrated, or were rated X.

Trivia: When the cartoon Condorman falls off the Notre Dame Cathedral during the opening credits, he yells a "Goofy Holler."

Trivia: This was the only Brady reunion movie/TV show to feature the full original cast. Each of the girls was replaced by a different actress in all other reunions. The Brady Bunch Variety Hour (1976) had a different "Jan", A Very Brady Christmas (1988) had a different "Cindy", and The Bradys (1990) had a different "Marcia."