Trivia: The USS Nimitz was based in the Atlantic during filming of this movie. When the ship pulls into Pearl Harbor past the USS Arizona Memorial, it is actually the USS Kitty Hawk not the Nimitz.

Trivia: Originally, the Animalympics movie consisted of two separate parts, the summer and winter games; the theatrical release features both games in one setting. A special video release features both games separately.

Trivia: The director, and several other crew members were arrested after the film premiered, because authorities believed that the footage in the film was real, and that the actors were really dead. The director eventually had to present the actors to police to clear his name, and had to demonstrate how some of the gore effects (such as the impalement) were achieved.

Trivia: Max von Sydow's costume for the Emperor Ming weighed over 70 pounds and he could only stand in it for a few minutes at a time.

Trivia: A sequel to The Long Good Friday was written by screenwriter Barry Keeffe. Entitled The Black Easter Monday, the action starts immediately after that of The Long Good Friday when the car carrying Shand is stopped by police. Both Shand and the IRA gunman (played by Pierce Brosnan in one of his first film roles) bluff their way out of it and walk away, allowing Shand to escape. The screenplay was universally acclaimed but by the time it got through development hell Brosnan, Bob Hoskins and Helen Mirren had all become big stars. They could not commit to the project and their salary demands could not be accommodated anyway. The film was never made.

Trivia: The main protagonists in the movie are called the Akira. This is a homage to Akira Kurosawa who did "Seven Samurai", of which "Magnificent Seven" and this movie are based on.

Trivia: Timothy Hutton was the youngest actor to win the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. On the advice of his sister, he apparently keeps his Oscar statuette in his refrigerator.

Trivia: Writer-Director John Carpenter appears in the film as Bennett, Father Malone's assistant, at the beginning of the movie.

Trivia: The line "It's not who you go with, it's who takes you home" is said in every Prom Night movie, even despite the fact that the later films aren't true sequels to this one.

Trivia: At the board of inquiry into the sinking, the White Star Line vigorously suppressed witness accounts that the "unsinkable" ship broke in half and it became the official record that the ship went down in one piece instead of two. The entire plot of this film (and the bool) is based on that bit of "fake news." Other Titanic films made before the discovery of the wreck also continue this myth and don't show the ship's back breaking.

Trivia: The characters John Blackthorne and Toranaga are based upon two historical figures: Togukawa Ieyasu and William Adams, an Englishman who both became a samurai and a close advisor to Ieyasu in the 1600s.

Trivia: Although Ferdy Mayne plays Jack Palance's father, he was only three years older than Palance.

Trivia: When Jackie Chan sends a gangster falling off a balcony, a "Wilhelm scream" can be heard.

Trivia: Madeline Kahn plays Mrs. Constance Link, the mother of Gloria Link (Gilda Radner). In real life, Kahn was only 4 years older than Radner.

Trivia: This film's ending mirrors that of "Carrie," another film that this movie's director, Brian De Palma, made; at the end of "Carrie," Susan Snell has a dream of visiting the wreckage of Carrie White's house. Then Carrie's hand pops out of the ground and grabs Sue's arm. Susan wakes up screaming and is comforted by her mother. This film ends with Liz having a nightmare about Robert escaping from the institution, coming to her home and killing her. Liz wakes up screaming and is comforted by Peter.

Trivia: Prior to becoming well-known, Cheryl Ladd, Lynda Carter, and Lindsay Wagner tried out for the role of Rosa Rubinsky.