Factual error: The middle third of the film recounts Dr. Thompson meeting Laszlo at the 1972 Superbowl (VI) in Los Angeles, however, in 1972 the game was played in New Orleans.

Factual error: When the unit is preparing for the Jump, they follow none of the correct procedure for a jump, but the most glaring mistake is that none of the Parachutes are equipped with a static line (the bright yellow nylon strap, that the parachutist hooks to a cable inside the plane to deploy his chute automatically.) Airborne infantry units always make static line jumps, so the line should have been visible on every chute.

Factual error: A meteorite falls onto Munson's bed, setting fire to it. He covers it up with blankets. But the meteorite is still red hot and would surely burn through, and set fire to his bed again.

Factual error: In the beginning during the opening credits, Bud is using a map to find his Uncle Bob's house in a new housing addition. A new home in a new addition (where they are still building), would not be on a paper map yet.

Factual error: In the opening credits, Lavitas comes off the football field in a #12 football jersey, but later references that he and the rest of the Green Team are an offensive line. No matter what level of football (NCAA or NFL), an O-Lineman wouldn't wear #12.
Suggested correction: Practice jerseys don't necessarily have to match a game jersey, mine didn't.

Factual error: It is established early in the movie (Natalie's call) that the money ball event celebration is part of the -first - anniversary of the Valley River Center, the shopping mall where most of the movie is set, with the town of Eugene, Oregon, mentioned explicitly. However, the center opened in 1969, and the movie is set in 1980. The original script was written in 1971, so that line needed an update and slipped by.

Factual error: When they first meet, Rodrigues tells Blackthorne that aboard his ship there is plenty of food and grog. The problem is that grog was not "invented" until 1740, when it was introduced into the British Navy by Admiral Edward Vernon, who was nicknamed "Old Grog" because of his habit of wearing a grogram coat.

Factual error: There are three major mistakes regarding gravity in the escape sequence in the asteroid field. Han and Chewie take the Millennium Falcon to refuge on an asteroid that, while visually huge, is still far too tiny to have sufficient gravity to allow humans to walk in anything like a normal fashion; yet, they walk normally both inside and outside of the ship. They also do not use pressurized suits outside of the ship, even though the asteroid's gravity should be far too weak to accumulate any significant atmospheric pressure; they use oxygen masks, but their blood should have boiled in near-zero atmospheric pressure. Finally, and most ridiculously, they fly straight down the giant cave worm's throat and land on the side of its throat (this is obvious in the shot where the Millennium Falcon lifts off and heads toward the toothy exit), and they get out and walk around on the side of its throat, which would mean the asteroid's gravity was impossibly perpendicular to its mass. (00:57:50)
Suggested correction: However, size isn't everything. The more mass an object has, the greater its gravitational field will be. Nothing is known of the asteroid's composition. It could have a high mass, resulting in a higher gravity than an equivalently sized body of lower mass. This would also address the atmosphere issue. Also, there is no evidence that the throat was vertical when they landed on it. Clearly, the creature was further down the tunnel perpendicular to the surface, then changed position as they flew out.

Factual error: In the very beginning (2nd scene) just after Danny (the Caddy) eats and then jumps down from the backside of his house and hops on his bike to head to work, look in the background behind him and at about the 5th house or so he passes you will see a classic palm tree in the front yard. The movie takes place in Nebraska (which doesn't have any palm trees of course).

Factual error: Elaine (the stewardess) is looking for a doctor. She finds Dr. Rumack who's wearing a stethoscope. He has it on backwards. The earpieces should point forward - his are pointing backward.

Factual error: There appears to be a pickup truck parked by a barn in the background when Steve McQueen is standing by his horse, talking to Linda Evans. (00:19:00 - 00:20:00)

Factual error: In an attempt to create a believable 1940s gym, it appears the production crew got hold of many contemporary boxing posters as possible. Most of these were Greeked to avoid mentioning real boxers (such as "Dave Ritlaf" and "John Paropianeo"), but one of these prominently features a "Ronnie Harris", along with a photograph. Ronnie Harris was a real boxer, but wasn't even born until 1948, 7 years after this scene was set, giving away that a poster from the '70s was used. (00:16:08)

Factual error: When they find the safe they find it is watertight, but a watertight safe at that depth would have imploded from the pressure.

Factual error: The Hillman Minx car seen picking up Brits at Conchin railway station is at least a 1945 model. The film is set in 1943.

Factual error: When they're in the bar watching the football game, after Rudy made his bet - they're supposed to be watching Denver vs Kansas City. You can see that the uniforms are not of either team (even if it were throwback jerseys). When the guy runs into the end zone, you can see the mascot of the Sun Devils on the turf, as the colors of the uniform are that of the Arizona Sun Devils.

Factual error: When the Peanuts gang got to Victoria station, Travel Center is spelled the American way. Since it's England it should be "centre" (00:24:55)