Factual error: When the crew shoots Kane's body out into space, the door opens up and "explosive decompression" causes Kane's body to fly out into space. At the beginning, the body slowly rotates. Then as it moves further away, the body begins flipping much faster. The reason something would increase speed in rotation like that is due to aerodynamics. An object traveling through space would simply keep the same rotational velocity it begins with since there is no air or other influences (gravity, etc.). The explosive decompression may cause it to increase rotation speed, but by the time it begins to flip, any air would have dissipated into space and not work as a column of air/wind to force the body into a flip.

Factual error: In the scene where the Warriors are hiding from the Turnbull A.C.'s under the elevated subway they look up at the train that is approaching the station. The train is marked as a "J" train. At that point they are still in the Bronx. The "J" train never runs in the Bronx.

Factual error: Although it's already been mentioned that the scene of the shuttle being stolen from the back of the 747 is impossible because the shuttle wouldn't be fueled while being transported, it should also be noted that even if the shuttle was fueled, it would still be just as impossible. During the getaway, the thieves ignited the shuttle's three main engines to get free of the 747 and escape. The thing is, the shuttle's main engines are fueled entirely by the large external tank the shuttle and the solid fuel boosters are attached to during liftoff, and once the tank is jettisoned, these engines cannot be used. The only engines the shuttle's internal fuel feeds are the reaction control thrusters and the Orbital Maneuvering System (which are the two smaller engines located in the bulges just above the main engines). Both the RCS thrusters and OMS engines are almost totally useless within the atmosphere, so even if the thieves managed to get the shuttle free of the 747, they could only get it as far as it would glide unpowered. In fact, they could probably get it further if it wasn't fueled. It should be noted that this is not a fictional, futuristic spacecraft. It's a bog standard shuttle, stolen from NASA, on the back of the modified 747 used by them to transport the orbiter from its landing site to Cape Canaveral.

Factual error: In the opening scene that shows San Francisco scenery there is a shot of a large TV tower called Sutro Tower. The film takes place in 1960 and Sutro Tower wasn't built until 1973.

Factual error: After the turbine trip, Godell says that the reactor water level was "almost up to the steam lines." The fictional Ventana nuclear plant is described as being a pressurized reactor plant and could not possibly have such a problem.

Factual error: When Holmes gets rundown by the carriage, he gets taken home and Watson ministers to his head wound. Holmes gets up a short time later and refers to the carriage as a hansom, which is a little two-wheeled cab. The attacker drove a brougham, with four wheels and four-in-hand horses. Even with a slightly bruised head, the master of observation would never make this simple yet telling mistake as he's shown seeing the carriage. The type of carriage is vital to the plot later as it suggests the wealth and status of the murderer and it appears to be used to commit the crimes.

Factual error: When Mission Control talks with Challenger 2, the Spacecraft's camera feeds of the Crew are displayed up on two wall-sized TV screens. Between them is the familiar Mercator map of Earth with the ground track of a low-orbiting satellite superimposed. Challenger is nowhere near low orbit: it's out past Mars, in the Asteroid Belt. The middle screen would have a schematic of the ship's interplanetary path.

Factual error: Harry goes to the synagogue, to go through a register his grandfather's records. But he is holding the Talmud and not a register, which is entirely and Hebrew, and he's looking at it upside down. (01:05:00 - 01:06:00)