Corrected entry: It seems strange that Charlotte had to ask the other barnyard animals how to spell "terrific," given how articulate she was. (She had no trouble reading anything else Templeton brought to her and used words like "Salutations!" and "magnum opus.").

Corrected entry: When Oharra breaks the two bottles off each other, only one breaks but in the next scene we see two bottle necks.
Correction: Those aren't two bottle necks: it's a neck and a bottom half of the bottle.

Corrected entry: During the scene in the Green man when the locals are singing "The landlord's daughter" Willow takes a key off the wall and goes through a door and is seen leaving the bar, the next shot cuts in and she is back in the bar singing along and is standing next to the man playing the accordion.
Correction: Her father says "Show him to his room, would you?" She takes the key, and steps through the door. The cop doesn't follow because they start singing, so it's only natural she'd turn around. She's shown standing in the doorway.

Corrected entry: In the first part of the film, when John Milner is cruising he pulls up next to a car and chat to Zuto. When he sits back in the driver's seat after the conversation, you can see Mackenzie Phillips sitting in the passenger seat facing Milner for a split second before cutting to the next scene. She shouldn't have been there.
Correction: Actually, it was only the right ear, and more likely the camera man who shot Milner's view. At first it seems just someone, but upon pausing, the person is sitting sideways with his back against the side of the car.

Corrected entry: The bus they drive in the beginning and end belongs to Ted Neeley (Christ).
Correction: Ted Neeley has stated on Facebook that he didn't own the bus and it was hired in Israel by the director.

Corrected entry: After Col. Rolland plays the tape revealing the identity of the traitor, a minister walks from the room and passes Rolland who has one hand on his forehead. Cut to a rear view and now Rolland has both hands on the tape player.
Correction: Thats not Col Rolland playing the tape, its Claude Lebel-the detective.

Corrected entry: The guy with the mechanical arm points at a bunch of alligators and identifies them as crocodiles.
Correction: It is a character mistake.

Corrected entry: In the final scene, Regan's house has disappeared, in one shot, as the priest stands at the top of the stairs and looks at it.
Correction: If you visit this location in Georgetown, you will see that the house is actually very far away from the stairwell.

Corrected entry: The original title was "Make Room, Make Room".
Correction: While the movie is loosely based on the book, director Richard Fleischer had no control over the change of the title. It came from MGM higher ups. Nor was the show popular at the time (it had been off the air for 9 years), they just didn't want to be confused with "a long dead TV series."
Correction: The title of the book the movie is based on is "Make Room, Make Room." The director always intended to change the name of the movie, as he was afraid it would be confused with the popular TV show at the time, "Make Room for Daddy."

Corrected entry: During the final car chase, there are multiple sets of skid marks on the winding road from previous takes.
Correction: This type of "mistake" has been posted and corrected for numerous different movies. This is San Francisco, where tire tracks on the street are not entirely unusual. It isn't all that unusual to see tire tracks on the switchback part of Vermont Street, on which part of the car chase happens.

Corrected entry: When a bad guy fires a sawed-off, double-barrel shotgun at the silver coupe, the car's hood flies off. The hood is attached by two strong hinges at the rear corners as well as a double-latched release assembly at the front/center. Even if the two shells could be aimed independently (and they can't), no way could all three attaching points be disabled at the same time. (01:02:00)
Correction: The bad guy fires two shots, and the hood is gone by the second shot. The first takes out the hood latch; Add the force of the buckshot to the passing wind at highway speed and the hood would easily be ripped from its hinges as it is in the scene. The second shot appears to be a miss.

Corrected entry: Just before the sting goes down, the assassin and the bodyguard are shown preparing their weapons. Both place largish suppressers (aka "silencers") on their guns. Both of them are using revolvers. Except for a few, rare models built specifically for the purpose, revolvers can't be effectively suppressed. There is a gap between the cylinder and the barrel that allows some of the expanding gasses and accompanying noise to escape before they can be affected by a suppresser on the end of the barrel. This is one of the most common firearms related mistakes in older and period films.
Correction: The key word is "effectively", from the submitters description it appears that the silencers offer some noise reduction which is presumably enough for their needs.

Corrected entry: Box says "3 very clever young men are the new masters for six of these incredible creatures who previously were trained to rob a bank", but there are only five dogs not six.
Correction: In the first movie, one of the six dogs is hit by a car during their getaway, leaving 5 dogs. One of the remaining dogs snatches the money bag off his fallen comrade.

Corrected entry: When Eastwood rides out of town after it has been painted red, the sky is cloudy; some of the clouds are even ominously dark. Minutes later, when Stacy and his men ride in to terrorize the town, the sky is cloudless.
Correction: Working in weather and living in the Rockies, it takes time for a system of that magnitude to develop, and appear as big as it does in the movie. It does not go from sunny with clouds, to dark and ominous in one camera change.
Correction: Not a mistake. I have seen many times where the clouds look as if they are going to burst forth with massive rain; then, the skies would change within minutes to produce a beautiful day.

Corrected entry: When you first see Degas' hut on devils' island, it is very close to the water and not that high of a drop. Dega later tells Papillon there is no place on the island to launch a boat.
Correction: He is referring to the currents around the island, which make it impossible to launch a small boat, not the lack of a suitable anchorage. In fact, the filmmakers got this exactly right - this is true of Devil's Island.

Corrected entry: Robin Hood and Little John steal all of Prince John's gold by tying bags of it to a constantly moving rope that runs between the bedroom and the jail. The problem is, when Little John shot one end of the rope into the bedroom on an arrow, the arrow just stuck into the wall. The rope wasn't looped around anything, so it shouldn't be able to move.
Correction: Before he gets up there the clock strikes three. When he's almost done the clock strikes four. Even though he had to climb up there he could easily had time to loop the rope around something to make it movable.

Corrected entry: Whenever Ka and Bee "speak" they open and close their mouths, presumably to indicate that is where the sound is coming from. However, dolphins don't communicate through their mouths - they have no vocal chords, they don't even breathe through them, their mouths are just for eating, period. All sound comes from the blow hole, and that is where Ka and Bee would speak from if they really learned how to speak English. Their mouths wouldn't move unless they were hungry.
Correction: Dolphins will open their mouths when "talking" to mimic humans. Although they do not need to open their mouths to produce sound, they see us do it and simply copy our behavior.

Corrected entry: Buford's father is portrayed as a logger. He was actually the Chief of Police.
Correction: This is a fictional account of his life, not a historical biography, as such there are differences attributed to "literary license"

Corrected entry: In the scene in El Morocco, when Bill Verso hands Katie her "Dubonnet over ice," there's no ice in the glass.
Correction: Character mistake, on behalf of the barman.

Corrected entry: Robert Blake's character is a City of Scottsdale, AZ motocycle cop. In the last long scene, he's chasing a VW van in Monument Valley, approximatley 250 miles to the north.
Correction: He was an officer from the fictional city of Stockman, Az.
Correction: I know sometimes I have problems spelling words like that, even though I'm an English teacher. Just because she uses words like salutations (which is something she could have grown up saying) and magnum opus, doesn't mean she can't have problems spelling words like "terrific". Even the most articulate people in the world can mis-spell words.