Radio Newcaster (segment 1 "And All Through the House"): We interrupt this program for a special announcement. A man described as a homicidal maniac has escaped from the hospital for the criminally insane: he is 6 foot 3 inches tall, 210 pounds, dark eyes, bald, and may be wearing a Santa Claus costume taken from a shop in Burley. All residents of the county are warned to be on the lookout for this man, and to phone the police if they see him. We now continue our program of carols for Christmas.
Douglass Dilman: When you justify murder in the name of morality, you've done nothing but murder your morality.
Sheriff Aaron Whitaker: What's wrong with him?
Dr. Druten: He's had a fit.
Sheriff Aaron Whitaker: Doctor, you were third in your class. I never went to college. I knew he was having a fit when he started having it.
Sir Bernard Cutting: I've got a problem.
Dr. Francis A. Goode: Haven't we all got a problem?
Sir Bernard Cutting: I can't do it lying down.
Dr. Francis A. Goode: Oh dear, you have got a problem.
Tang Lung: Movement number 4: Dragon seeks path. Hi-yah!" (Tang kicks, knocking a hoodlum unconscious) "Dragon whips his tail.
Harry Lomart: You conniving bitch.
Lila Kolodny: Are you glad we waited?
Lenny Cantrow: I'm glad we waited.
Lila Kolodny: Well, we have the rest of our lives, 40, 50, 60, 100 years.
Charlie Brown: Hmm, a letter to Snoopy. What a surprise. I never get any mail. I had 15 pen pals once, and they let me do all the writing.
Leon Trotsky: It's hard living with an old revolutionary. You should have been with us when we stormed the Winter Palace! With Lenin in Moscow in the early days! What happiness to be alive - to be fighting then.
Brother Gaspar de Carvajal: We reached the last pass of the Andes and for the first time looked down at the legendary jungle. In the morning I read Mass, then we descended through the clouds.