Cmdr. Ferraday: It wasn't sealing wax. It wasn't chewing gum. It was epoxy glue. And all of a sudden you know a whole damn lot about submarines.
David Jones: I know how to wreck them, and I know how to lie, steal, kidnap, counterfeit, suborn and kill. That's my job. I do it with great pride.
Lt. Col. Robert T. Frederick: They say you find what something is worth when you pay for it.
Pygar: An angel does not make love, an angel is love.
SY-3 Captain Katsuo Yamabe: I've been very worried about you on that island.
Kyoko Manabe: You have, huh? You can see that everything's fine.
SY-3 Captain Katsuo Yamabe: Right. I really wasn't worried about you. I was more worried about Godzilla.
Juliet: Good night, good night. Parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say good night till it be morrow.
Sheriff Burnett: Set a wagon outside of town and put as much food on it as you can spare. If they eat, they'll behave. And you women, all of you, stay inside. Understand? Now let's get moving. C'mon.
Pollicut: Fill a wagon. So now, these bandits gotta be fought with bread and butter. When are we gonna see some law and common sense in this town?
Regina: When somebody hangs you.
Captain Tsuruhiko Kuroda: My log.
Finian McLonergan: America is full of millionaires.
Sharon McLonergan: But Father, are there no ill clad or ill housed in America?
Finian McLonergan: Aye, but they're the best ill clad and the best ill housed in the world.
Mick: But, Mama... I wanna make something of myself, Mama. I got this feelin' inside me like I was destined for something.
Mrs. Kelly: We all have that feelin' when we are young. It will pass.
Mr. Kelly: Margaret, don't.
Mick: Well, I know it won't be easy, but without a high school diploma, what chance have I got?
Mrs. Kelly: The same chance I had. You'll meet some fella and get married. If you're lucky, you'll love him. You'll have kids. That's what life is, Mick. That's all it is.
Charly Gordon: That, that is, is. That, that is not, is not. Is that it? It is.
Empress Elizabeth: Do you know what he said to me the day he was married?"Mother, say a prayer for me." And I said "what prayer shall I make for you?" And he said "Pray to God that I should never fall in love."
Matthew Hopkins: I will find out the truth for you, have no fear.
Joe Bass: If God ever made two greater inventions than a pretty woman and a bottle of whiskey, I ain't heard of it.
Gerald Hardcastle: Well, Ted, you can take it from me that in the entire history of this world no man never yet had any pleasure out of a woman without having to pay it for.
General Alfred Terry: For the record, I don't like you. You're too sure of yourself, too much your own man.
Custer: Then why did you bring me back?
General Alfred Terry: Because, by the Almighty, you're a soldier. There's another kind of war brewing out here on the frontier. We're going to need every trained man we can get.