SY-3 Captain Katsuo Yamabe: I've been very worried about you on that island.
Kyoko Manabe: You have, huh? You can see that everything's fine.
SY-3 Captain Katsuo Yamabe: Right. I really wasn't worried about you. I was more worried about Godzilla.

David Jones: May I ask, Captain, when we expect to reach the ice barrier?
Cmdr. Ferraday: Yes, you may ask.

Elizabeth: What's it gonna do, Bruno?
Bruno, The Chauffeur: Well, it's gonna it's gonna make a big flash and go bang.
Virginia: Oh boy.

Juliet: Good night, good night. Parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say good night till it be morrow.

Finian McLonergan: America is full of millionaires.
Sharon McLonergan: But Father, are there no ill clad or ill housed in America?
Finian McLonergan: Aye, but they're the best ill clad and the best ill housed in the world.

Mick: But, Mama... I wanna make something of myself, Mama. I got this feelin' inside me like I was destined for something.
Mrs. Kelly: We all have that feelin' when we are young. It will pass.
Mr. Kelly: Margaret, don't.
Mick: Well, I know it won't be easy, but without a high school diploma, what chance have I got?
Mrs. Kelly: The same chance I had. You'll meet some fella and get married. If you're lucky, you'll love him. You'll have kids. That's what life is, Mick. That's all it is.

Charly Gordon: That, that is, is. That, that is not, is not. Is that it? It is.

Matthew Hopkins: By the way, you know what they call me now?
John Stearne: What?
Matthew Hopkins: Witchfinder General.

C. S. Divot: You mashuga.
Hrundi V. Bakshi: I am not your sugar.

Prince of Wales: Incidentally, why are there always red carpets?
Archduke Rudolf: Stations make great places for assassinations. On the red carpet, the blood doesn't show.

Ringo: Nothing ever happens to me. I'd jump in the River Mersey but it looks like rain.

Joe Bass: If God ever made two greater inventions than a pretty woman and a bottle of whiskey, I ain't heard of it.

Fr. David Telemond: It is strange. When a president dies, he's replaced within an hour. When a king dies, long live the king. When a pope dies, everything stops.

Gerald Hardcastle: Well, Ted, you can take it from me that in the entire history of this world no man never yet had any pleasure out of a woman without having to pay it for.

Dino Barran: Give me your word.
Franz Propp: I ain't got one.
Dino Barran: Give it to me anyway.
Franz Propp: Very well friend.