Trivia: Bill Millin, Lord Lovat's piper, earned the nickname 'Mad Piper' due to the fact that he was spared by German snipers on D-Day because they thought him to be crazy playing bagpipes in the middle of a war.

Trivia: There is not a single speaking role for a woman in the entire film.

Trivia: Towards the end of the film, in various scenes involving trains & railways, if you look carefully, you can quite see that no attempt has been made to disguise the loco's etc. into German locos. You can quite see in various shots 'British Railways' and the British Railways roundel etc. If you know your train stuff, you can quite see all the locos, coaches, wagons etc. are British Railways stock. Also, in the scene in the big station before Dirk Bogarde is captured, and put into a room out the back with his fellow escapees, if you look closely in the background, the station is London Victoria by the way, you can quite see a SR suburban EMU waiting in one of the bay platforms.