Honey Parker: Didn't you say she was in the nuthouse for awhile?
Harry Archer: A private sanitarium.
Honey Parker: What's the difference. She was off her rocker, wasn't she?
Harry Archer: I suppose so. They've got some fancy name for it.

Noah Cullen: Ni**er! You call me that again, and I'll kill you.

Ann Shankland: I didn't mean any harm.
John Malcolm: That's when you do the most damage.
Ann Shankland: We all make mistakes.
John Malcolm: You specialize in them.

Inspector Vigot: You know that it is a mistake to say that communism is appealing to the mentally advanced. I think it is only true when the mentally advanced are also emotionally retarded.

Lee Hackett: Times don't change in this country where you breed a man soft. Without any spirit, a man's like a horse: if he don't buck the first time you put a saddle on him he ain't worth having - you know that.

Henri Tournier: To me Maggy means phony chic, phony society, phony Paris, phony everything. Even her dog's phony.
Jeanne Tournier: You're being nasty.
Henri Tournier: Not at all. I'm very fond of her.

Michael Whiteacre: Look, I've read all the books. I know that in 10 years we'll be bosom friends with the Germans and the Japanese. Then I'll be pretty annoyed that I was killed.

Senator Walter K. Powers: I'm here, and I want action.

Mike Simpson: Suddenly I feel hungry.
Carol Flynn: Me too.
Mike Simpson: Hey I just remembered, I've got a candy bar with me.

General Rokurota Makabe: Hide a stone among stones and a man among men.