Patricia Terrill: But if he loved me, why would he let me think he was a coward?
Julie Maragon: If you love him, why would you think it? How many times does a man have to win you?
Captain van der Poel: It has been quite an experience. All against the desert. The greater enemy. I've learnt a lot about the English. So different from all I've been taught. Auf wiedersehen.
Steve Andrews: You sure you want to go with me?
Jane Martin: Yes.
Steve Andrews: I wouldn't give much for our chances, us running around in the middle of the night, looking for something that if we found it, it might kill us.
Count Dracula: Sleep well, Mr. Harker.
Jonathan Harker: You make it very difficult for me. After all, I'm a guest here. If I'm to help you, I must have a reason.
Vampire Woman: A reason! You ask for a reason? Is it not reason enough that he locks me up in this house, holds me against my will? You can have no idea what an evil man he is... or of the terrible things he does.
Sheriff Sanchez: Ladies and gentlemen, there's no need for me to tell you - the emergency arose and the man appeared. Mr Douglass, it's not often a man gets to do so much for his neighbors and do it like you did. We want you to know we'll always be grateful... and in our hearts always.
Jim Douglass: Thank you... and in your prayers, please.
Honore Lachaille: This story is about a little girl. It could be about any one of those little girls playing there. But it isn't. It's about one in particular. Her name is Gigi.
Ragnar: Look how he glares at me... If he wasn't fathered by the black ram in the full of the moon my name is not Ragnar.
August 'Augie' Poole: Maybe I'd better get a regular job, and forget about art.
Isolde Poole: Never! Never to my dying day will I let you settle for anything less than you want to be.
Isolde Poole: If Van Gogh had been married to a woman like you, he'd still have both his ears.
Senator Walter K. Powers: I'm here, and I want action.
Mike Simpson: Suddenly I feel hungry.
Carol Flynn: Me too.
Mike Simpson: Hey I just remembered, I've got a candy bar with me.
General Rokurota Makabe: Hide a stone among stones and a man among men.
Marvin the Martian: Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom.