Yosemite Sam: Mice.
Gaylord Ravenal: Why do you want to be an actress?
Magnolia: Why? Well, I mean, well, the ordinary person wouldn't understand. I mean, that is, a person outside the profession.
Gaylord Ravenal: No? Well, you want to be an actress because it makes everything become true - every exciting thing you ever heard about, even if its make believe. Isn't that it?
Magnolia: Yes, that is it. How did you know?
Gaylord Ravenal: For instance, right now, you'd like to be Romeo and Juliet.
Hubie: Bert, an average mouse eats 12 pounds of cheese in a lifetime. I figure tonight we've lived 2000 years.
Larry Nevins: I told ya I wanted security, remember... well I was looking for it in all the wrong places. Nobody can ever give it to you Judy. That way, it costs too much, you gotta make it for yourself.
Dr. Viet: White people shouldn't live too long in the jungle. Brings out their bad side, their jealousies and impatience.
Bud Alexander: I'll have the lambchop luncheon.
Lou Francis: Um, I know what I want. Spaghetti.
Tommy Nelson: And a steak.
Waiter: [to Lou.] What do you want?
Lou Francis: Spaghetti.
Tommy Nelson: And a steak.
Waiter: [to Lou.] You said you knew what you wanted. Do you want spaghetti or steak.
Lou Francis: I'll have a spaghetti.
[Then Lou immediately raises his hand to signal Tommy not to speak.]
Lou Francis: [to the waiter.] And a steak.
Monica Teasdale: I would have stopped working a long time ago if I could have figured out what to do with myself.
Stanley: Hey, STELLA!